I too was under the impression that you could not read from a mutably-borrowed 

I am looking forward to the ability to move out of a &mut (as long as the value 
is replaced again),
if the issues around task failure and destructors can be solved.


On Feb 25, 2014, at 12:19 PM, Michael Woerister <michaelwoeris...@posteo.de> 

> I'm all for it. In fact,  I thought the proposed new rules *already* where 
> the case :-)
> On 25.02.2014 19:32, Niko Matsakis wrote:
>> I wrote up an RFC. Posted on my blog at:
>> http://smallcultfollowing.com/babysteps/blog/2014/02/25/rust-rfc-stronger-guarantees-for-mutable-borrows/
>> Inlined here:
>> Today, if you do a mutable borrow of a local variable, you lose the
>> ability to *write* to that variable except through the new reference
>> you just created:
>>     let mut x = 3;
>>     let p = &mut x;
>>     x += 1;  // Error
>>     *p += 1; // OK
>>     However, you retain the ability to *read* the original variable:
>>     let mut x = 3;
>>     let p = &mut x;
>>     print(x);  // OK
>>     print(*p); // OK
>>     I would like to change the borrow checker rules so that both writes
>> and reads through the original path `x` are illegal while `x` is
>> mutably borrowed. This change is not motivated by soundness, as I
>> believe the current rules are sound. Rather, the motivation is that
>> this change gives strong guarantees to the holder of an `&mut`
>> pointer: at present, they can assume that an `&mut` referent will not
>> be changed by anyone else.  With this change, they can also assume
>> that an `&mut` referent will not be read by anyone else. This enable
>> more flexible borrowing rules and a more flexible kind of data
>> parallelism API than what is possible today. It may also help to
>> create more flexible rules around moves of borrowed data. As a side
>> benefit, I personally think it also makes the borrow checker rules
>> more consistent (mutable borrows mean original value is not usable
>> during the mutable borrow, end of story). Let me lead with the
>> motivation.
>> ### Brief overview of my previous data-parallelism proposal
>> In a previous post I outlined a plan for
>> [data parallelism in Rust][dp] based on closure bounds. The rough idea
>> is to leverage the checks that the borrow checker already does for
>> segregating state into mutable-and-non-aliasable and
>> immutable-but-aliasable. This is not only the recipe for creating
>> memory safe programs, but it is also the recipe for data-race freedom:
>> we can permit data to be shared between tasks, so long as it is
>> immutable.
>> The API that I outlined in that previous post was based on a `fork_join`
>> function that took an array of closures. You would use it like this:
>>     fn sum(x: &[int]) {
>>         if x.len() == 0 {
>>             return 0;
>>         }
>>                  let mid = x.len() / 2;
>>         let mut left = 0;
>>         let mut right = 0;
>>         fork_join([
>>             || left = sum(x.slice(0, mid)),
>>             || right = sum(x.slice(mid, x.len())),
>>         ]);
>>         return left + right;
>>     }
>>     The idea of `fork_join` was that it would (potentially) fork into N
>> threads, one for each closure, and execute them in parallel. These
>> closures may access and even mutate state from the containing scope --
>> the normal borrow checker rules will ensure that, if one closure
>> mutates a variable, the other closures cannot read or write it. In
>> this example, that means that the first closure can mutate `left` so
>> long as the second closure doesn't touch it (and vice versa for
>> `right`). Note that both closures share access to `x`, and this is
>> fine because `x` is immutable.
>> This kind of API isn't safe for all data though. There are things that
>> cannot be shared in this way. One example is `Cell`, which is Rust's
>> way of cheating the mutability rules and making a value that is
>> *always* mutable. If we permitted two threads to touch the same
>> `Cell`, they could both try to read and write it and, since `Cell`
>> does not employ locks, this would not be race free.
>> To avoid these sorts of cases, the closures that you pass to to
>> `fork_join` would be *bounded* by the builtin trait `Share`. As I
>> wrote in [issue 11781][share], the trait `Share` indicates data that
>> is threadsafe when accessed through an `&T` reference (i.e., when
>> aliased).
>> Most data is sharable (let `T` stand for some other sharable type):
>> - POD (plain old data) types are forkable, so things like `int` etc.
>> - `&T` and `&mut T`, because both are immutable when aliased.
>> - `~T` is sharable, because is is not aliasable.
>> - Structs and enums that are composed of sharable data are sharable.
>> - `ARC`, because the reference count is maintained atomically.
>> - The various thread-safe atomic integer intrinsics and so on.
>> Things which are *not* sharable include:
>> - Many types that are unsafely implemented:
>>   - `Cell` and `RefCell`, which have non-atomic interior mutability
>>   - `Rc`, which uses non-atomic reference counting
>> - Managed data (`Gc<T>`) because we do not wish to
>>   maintain or support a cross-thread garbage collector
>> There is a wrinkle though. With the *current* borrow checker rules,
>> forkable data is only safe to access from a parallel thread if the
>> *main thread* is suspended. Put another way, forkable closures can
>> only run concurrently with other forkable closures, but not with the
>> parent, which might not be a forkable thing.
>> This is reflected in the API, which consisted of a function
>> `fork_join` function that both spawned the threads and joined them.
>> The natural semantics of a function call would thus cause the parent
>> to block while the threads executed. For many use cases, this is just
>> fine, but there are other cases where it's nice to be able to fork off
>> threads continuously, allowing the parent to keep running in the
>> meantime.
>> *Note:* This is a refinement of the [previous proposal][dp], which was
>> more complex. The version presented here is simpler but equally
>> expressive. It will work best when combined with my (ill documented,
>> that's coming) plans for [unboxed closures][8622], which are required
>> to support convenient array map operations and so forth.
>> ### A more flexible proposal
>> If we made the change that I described above -- that is, we prohibit
>> reads of data that is mutably borrowed -- then we could adjust the
>> `fork_join` API to be more flexible. In particular, we could support
>> an API like the following:
>>     fn sum(x: &[int]) {
>>         if x.len() == 0 {
>>             return 0;
>>         }
>>                  let mid = x.len() / 2;
>>         let mut left = 0;
>>         let mut right = 0;
>>                  fork_join_section(|sched| {
>>             sched.fork(|| left = sum(x.slice(0, mid)));
>>             sched.fork(|| right = sum(x.slice(mid, x.len())));
>>         });
>>                  return left + right;
>>     }
>> The idea here is that we replaced the `fork_join()` call with a call
>> to `fork_join_section()`. This function takes a closure argument and
>> passes it a an argument `sched` -- a scheduler. The scheduler offers a
>> method `fork` that can be invoked to fork off a potentially parallel
>> task. This task may begin execution immediately and will be joined
>> once the `fork_join_section` ends.
>> In some sense this is just a more verbose replacement for the previous
>> call, and I imagine that the `fork_join()` function I showed
>> originally will remain as a convenience function. But in another sense
>> this new version is much more flexible -- it can be used to fork off
>> any number of tasks, for example, and it permits the main thread to
>> continue executing while the fork runs.
>> *An aside:* it should be noted that this API also opens the door
>> (wider) to a kind of anti-pattern, in which the main thread quickly
>> enqueues a ton of small tasks before it begins to operate on
>> them. This is the opposite of what (e.g.) Cilk would do. In Cilk, the
>> processor would immediately begin executing the forked task, leaving
>> the rest of the "forking" in a stealable thunk. If you're lucky, some
>> other proc will come along and do the forking for you. This can reduce
>> overall overhead. But anyway, this is fairly orthogonal.
>> ### Beyond parallelism
>> The stronger guarantee concerning `&mut` will be useful in other
>> scenarios. One example that comes to mind are moves: for example,
>> today we do not permit moves out of borrowed data. In principle,
>> though, we should be able to permit moves out of `&mut` data, so long
>> as the value is replaced before anyone can read it.
>> Without the rule I am proposing here, though, it's really hard to
>> prevent reads at all without tracking what pointers point at (which we
>> do not do nor want to do, generally). Consider even a simple program
>> like the following:
>> ```
>> let x = ~3;
>> let y = &mut x;
>> let z = *y;     // Moves out of `*y` (and `*x`, therefore)
>> let _ = *x;     // Error! `*x` is invalid.
>> *y = ~5;        // Replaces `*y`
>> ```
>> I don't want to dive into the details of moves here, because
>> permitting rules from borrowed pointers is a complex topic of its own
>> (we must consider, for example, failure and what happens when
>> destructors run). But without the proposal here, I think we can't even
>> get started.
>> Speaking more generally and mildly more theoretically, this rule helps
>> to align Rust logic with separation logic. Effectively, `&mut`
>> references are known to be separated from the rest of the heap. This is
>> similar to what research languages like [Mezzo][m] do. (By the way,
>> if you are not familiar with Mezzo, check it out. Awesome stuff.)
>> ### Impact on existing code
>> It's hard to say what quantity of existing code relies on the current
>> rules. My gut tells me "not much" but without implementing the change
>> I can't say for certain.
>> ### How to implement
>> Implementing this rule requires a certain amount of refactoring in the
>> borrow checker (refactoring that is needed for other reasons as well,
>> however). In the interest of actually completing this blog post, I'm
>> not going to go into more details (the post has been sitting for some
>> time waiting for me to have time to write this section). If you think
>> you might like to implement this change, though, let me know. =)
>> [dp]: 
>> http://smallcultfollowing.com/babysteps/blog/2013/06/11/data-parallelism-in-rust/
>> [share]: https://github.com/mozilla/rust/issues/11781#issuecomment-35559695
>> [8622]: https://github.com/mozilla/rust/issues/8622
>> [m]: http://protz.github.io/mezzo/
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