Opting in case by case is not the same thing as having a compiler flag which 
you can toggle without modifying the source. 

Perhaps bounds checking is the only safety measure which has runtime penalty? 
(Not sure about that)  But that would explain why it would be a separate flag. 

By the way, D is memory safe (although it's opt-in) and it has this 
noboundscheck flag. So I don't see what the problem is. 

> On 28 Mar 2014, at 03:17, Daniel Micay <danielmi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 27/03/14 09:02 PM, Tommi Tissari wrote:
>> the language forces a decision which the programmer should be allowed to 
>> make for himself.
> This also isn't true. Rust provides unsafe indexing, and you can opt-in
> to using it. It also provides a concept of safety as part of the
> language, and I don't see why it should ignore it for bounds checking
> while still enforcing a now meaningless separation elsewhere.
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