In terms of making hello world nice in 0.10, I prefer to simply put
something else in the format string in order to clarify what the first
argument is there for:

    fn main() {
        let x = "world";
        println!("Hello, {:s}!", x);

Also remember that saying `println!("Hello, world!");` by itself still

On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 1:34 PM, Steve Klabnik <>wrote:

> I compiled from source just yesterday, but everything's been going
> swimmingly!
> I just have one comment on 0.10: It seems like println was removed
> from the prelude. While I can totally appreciate that most people will
> use println!, which is automatically use-able, it _is_ making my
> 'hello world' examples significantly more complex, since basically
> every one of them needs to either import println or use println!("{}",
> foo);
> I'm not sure if this is a good or bad thing, just wanted to raise that
> as a possible issue.
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