On Wed, Jul 9, 2014 at 9:48 AM, Patrick Walton <pcwal...@mozilla.com> wrote:

> On 7/9/14 7:42 AM, Bob Ippolito wrote:
>> This seems like madness. No other programming language out there that
>> I've seen requires developers to mangle these environment variables.
> Also, when installing Rust you don't have to mangle these environment
> variables, since the libraries will be placed into the right place. This
> should only impact anyone who builds from source without installing.

Fair enough, although you could make it work in both scenarios without
environment variables on Mac by linking with absolute paths and
-headerpad_max_install_names to the build directory and then rewriting the
load commands to the final destination with install_name_tool on install.
Probably more trouble than it's worth.

> As detailed in the meeting where this decision was made, Linux distros
> really dislike it when you mess with rpath; it's a deal-breaker in many
> cases.

Agreed, I misunderstood that everything does work correctly when installed.
My bad!

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