On May 19, 2016, at 6:08 PM, Victor J. Orlikowski <v...@duke.edu> wrote:
> A quick mailing list search suggests that there was a patch submitted, back 
> in 2013, to have all of Ryu be able to be run under cProfile; it doesn't 
> appear to have been committed.
> It might make sense, though, to wrapper the appropriate portions of 
> simple_switch.py and simple_switch_14.py in cProfile or hotshot, to see if 
> there are significant differences in performance between the two (and - if so 
> - where the time is being spent).

A quick followup...

If you can, it may make sense to run ryu-manager using an invocation similar to 
the following:
python -m cProfile -s tottime ryu-manager ...

It *should* be possible to profile your apps that way - but I have not actually 
*tried* it. ;)

Victor J. Orlikowski <> vjo@[cs.]duke.edu

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