Hello Predrag!

Predrag Punosevac <punoseva...@gmail.com> wrote:
 |I just upgraded to s-nail version v14.8.11 which I am running of OpenBSD

Thanks for the confidence!
For practically ever i think that mathematicians have a hard time,
distressing only one side of the brain: that is not normal being.
I proclaim that logic will some day be able to copy life, but it
will not be living.

 |6.0 stable. I notice that I no longer move messages to different folders
 |as follows 

Arrrrrrrghhh!!!!  So ein verdammter Mist!
Wirklich?  Oh my god.  :)

 |? mv 10 personal
 |IMAP error: Invalid mailbox name
 |imaps://predr...@imap.srv.cs.cmu.edu: Undefined error: 0
 |There are new messages in the error message ring (denoted by "#ERR#")
 |  The `errors' command manages this message ring
 |To add insult to injury even full path no longer works.
 |? folders
 |INBOX     INBOX.Drafts    INBOX.Personal  INBOX.SPAM INBOX.Software
 |INBOX.Auton  INBOX.Oracle    INBOX.Research  INBOX.Sent INBOX.Trash
 |? mv 10 +INBOX.Personal
 |IMAP error: Invalid mailbox name
 |imaps://predr...@imap.srv.cs.cmu.edu: Undefined error: 0
 |I am way to tired even to look at this tonight. I will have to go back
 |to 14.8.10 which was working for me.

Excuse me please.
Would you be so kind and do

  $ git clone --single-branch --branch='stable/latest' \
  $ cd s-nail && git checkout stable/latest && make all

and call back to verify it is working all-right for you now, too?
I will release v14.8.12 immediately, then.

Thanks for the report!  And i am sorry, you know, this string
manipulation here and there and then here also, if.., otherwise
not, this is kind of exhausting.  E.g., the special treatment of
*folder*, if and only if it refers to IMAP, this is very strange
stuff and all this has to vanish.

Already in v14.9, if i really can afford reviving IMAP for it,
there will be a new *inbox* (that name was the suggestion of
Stephen Isard) or similar variable that and *folder* will loose
the special meaning that it, in my opinion falsely, gained, and
there will be no more "magic" automatic network connection if set
to an IMAP folder.

I would be very delighted if you could test IMAP once with
a v14.9.0 release candidate, just to ensure it is still doing
allright, and only if i ever reach this state, of course.



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