Hello and welcome Martin!

Martin Lucina wrote in <20190326085412.bujtthf5j27qy...@nodbug.lucina.net>:
 |I'm trying to build the latest stable/stable from Git
 |(045ca9fad936c657356f8f237beea2ba6df70392) on Debian buster/testing.
 |Building from a clean Git tree gives me the following error:
 |Setting up configuration options ... done
 |Joining in ./make.rc ... ERROR: invalid syntax in: # Add support for
 |history management.                                                        
 |[... lots more of the above, followed by ...]
 |mk/make-config.sh: 77: .obj/___tmp122378: Syntax error: EOF in backquote
 |makefile:22: recipe for target 'config' failed
 |make: *** [config] Error 1
 |There are no logs or anything in .obj/ that I can see so presumably this is
 |failing early in the 'config' target.
 |Going on the "invalid syntax" messages, if I remove the indentation in
 |make.rc on the lines it complains about then that problem goes away, but I
 |still get the "Syntax error: EOF in backquote substitution".

Which shell are you using?  I have never seen such messages, and
have tested with some shells on some OSs, and it works with all
but an old Schily shell (which fails on something different,
i have not yet found time to update and recheck that)!

Assignments to indented variables are absolutely allowed by the
standard i would say.

 |I've also tried on Debian stable to rule out any weirdness in current
 |testing and get the same result.
 |Any ideas?

Not at the moment, no.

 |BTW, the reason I'm building stable/stable as opposed to just using the
 |version packaged in Debian buster (14.9.11) is that version gives me a
 |bunch of MIME-related errors when loading my Dovecot-hosted IMAP mailboxes.
 |Is this a known problem?

Not until today.  Which errors do you see, could you show them,
please?  In general i am interested in fixing all errors.

|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

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