Hello Viktor.

SZÉPE Viktor wrote in <20190328021837.Horde.O8AT6PUZfd2QkhGWP3AGbpf@sze\
 |Idézem/Quoting Steffen Nurpmeso <stef...@sdaoden.eu>:
 |> Steffen Nurpmeso wrote in <20190327010321.lxvkj%stef...@sdaoden.eu>:
 |>|SZÉPE Viktor wrote in <20190326185201.Horde.LlAN50Ab4jVY4Q-sF6YFOdh@sze\
 |>||1) Anyone can run this s-nail builder container for free on
 |>|That is pretty cool indeed!  I have never ever used a container
 |>|except having the option to log into Jean-Marc's VZGOT, so i will
 |>|definetely have a look!  Thanks!
 |> I am afraid i lag behind our time.  The former is nodejs, go etc.
 |> we are C, Viktor?  I cannot see there how i could run your
 |> Dockerfile?
 |I understand you points on Docker. I also keep Docker away my servers,  
 |one client has Docker, and I test s-nail on his server.
 |Although docker has the advantage of clean&empty OS and very fast  
 |startup times even if you start from a very different Linux distro.
 |Zeit now (v2) ceased supporting row Dockerfiles.
 |But on v1 platform with paid plans you may run a Dockerfile by typing  
 |"now" - their CLI tool.

I admit i have problems with (american style) business which does
not clearly state what is going on.  But somewhen i have read
there that docker container support will be shut down.
I am too late for that party.

 |Good night to you too!


|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

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