Hello Noctambule.

Noctambule wrote in
 |First of all, I would like to apologize if a similar question was already
 |asked, but I was unable to find something that could help me.

No problem.

 |I'm using s-nail 14.9.22 from Voidlinux and I tried to display HTML emails

Thanks to Leah who now maintain it so wonderful!  Thanks, Leah!

 |without success so far. In 'features', filter-html-tagsoup seems to be
 | features=,+locales,+multibyte-charsets,[…],+filter-html-tagsoup,[…]
 |The command 'mimetype' correctly displays html and according to the
 |manpage, it should be displayed by HTML tagsoup ('?h').
 | mimetype ?h application/xhtml+xml  xhtml xht
 | mimetype ?h text/html  html htm
 |In my .mailrc, no settings related to html were defined.
 |Unfortunately, when I read a message, the HTML is simply not displayed.
 |I can see the MIME headers like so, without any content beyond those
 |lines :
 | [-- #1.2 1497/60620 text/html, quoted-printable, utf-8 --]
 | [-- #1.1.2 253/19290 text/html, quoted-printable, utf-8 --]

That looks if the HTML is part of a multipart/alternative MIME
message.  We always go for the text part then, but you could

  set mime-alternative-favour-rich

to select the HTML version instead.  This mechanism is pretty
primitive in pre-v15, other MUAs allow reordering and listing
priorities, but i use this setting myself since some
correspondences simply have an empty text "alternative" which
refers to the HTML one instead, so i have no choice.  (And i am
too lazy and/or the MUA is not (yet) sophisticated enough to
filter for something and be selective about it.)

 |If I try the 'mimeview' command, same behavior applies.

This is for MIME parts such, attachments that is mostly.  The
above seem to be "sub"parts of an alternative selection.

 |During my interactive tests, I decided to force display 'text/html' as
 |plain text with the following command. It has no effect :
 | set pipe-text/html=?t
 |The trick was to use 'set pipe-text/html=?', without the 't'. Could it
 |be possible that the '?h' we saw earlier from mime types, is not
 |understood ?

t is optional, ? and ?t should be the same thing.  Hmm, we do test
these act equally.  Hm.  And yes, the order of MIME types matters.
These ?xy type-markers are the last possible source of
information.  (This is documented in the manual section "HTML mail
and MIME attachments".)

 |Even if I know HTML tagsoup will be enough, I copy pasted the following
 |line from the man page (after 'unmimetype text/html'), as the last
 |attempt :
 | set pipe-text/html='?* lynx -stdin -dump -force_html'
 |Same as before, nothing is displayed.

Not for alternative parts unless the above setting is set, yes.

 |On Ubuntu 20.04, s-nail is a bit more "old" but it suffers from the same
 |Going back to s-nail (as I was already doing in 2014) after using a
 |webmail for my personal address felt like a breeze. I'm looking forward
 |to solve that mystery. Once again I am requesting your kind help as I
 |did many times in the past, with different emails.
 |I also take this opportunity to thank you for your hard work and all
 |these years of maintaining s-nail. We are attached to it.

Well, thank you.  So much to do still, but i really would like to
see it furtherly improved for sure.  I am just too slow ...

Ciao from Germany!

|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

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