On Wed, 2 Jun 2021, Steffen Nurpmeso steffen-at-sdaoden.eu |s-nail| wrote:

I do not understand your problem really.  This string can only be
seen if an entry was added to the error log.  In a newer version
you could "set errors-limit=0" and that should be it.

I like the idea of an error log that I can consult if I feel I need to. But I don't want my prompt messed with when something is added to the log. It's not that big a deal.

I am frustrated and out of ideas.  All i know is that our login
procedure is correct, it surely is for the development version.
Am out really now, very late, want to drive some bicycle.

Yes, the login procedure is correct, and I am able to log in. Of course I have no idea why you are not able to log in to your account. I didn't set up this account myself. It was forced on me when people who ought to know better outsourced their email system to Microsoft. And I'm going for a bike ride too.

| The initial error report isn't a serious problem, it's just messy.

I do not understand the problem.  I cannot login.  The error
marker only happens if there were errors.

Well, the "problem", such as it is, is that I am getting the error marker, but there is no entry in the error log. That should be a "can't happen" - the error marker is only supposed to appear when something is added to the log. But it appears to be happening.

By the way, separate issue entirely, there used to be an 'autoinc' setting that automatically checked for new mail every so often, rather than making you do 'newmail' by hand. Any chance of getting it back?

Stephen Isard

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