Idézem/Quoting Steffen Nurpmeso <>:

Stephen Isard wrote in
 |On Thu, 3 Jun 2021, Steffen Nurpmeso |s-nail| wrote:
 |>|Well, the "problem", such as it is, is that I am getting the error
 |>|marker, but there is no entry in the error log.  That should be a "can't
 |>|happen" - the error marker is only supposed to appear when something is
 |>|added to the log.  But it appears to be happening.

So the problem with Microsoft seems to be that they really want
(even though it is documented nowhere) as the
user, so i have "set".
So it happens that SMTP ends up saying "MAIL
FROM:<USER@HOST@HOST>", which Microsoft then does not dig.
That is a bummer.

Many system uses URL-encoding "set"

Just a side note.

All the best to you!

SZÉPE Viktor, webes alkalmazás üzemeltetés / Running your application
ügyelet 🌶️ hotline: +36-20-4242498  skype: szepe.viktor
Budapest, III. kerület

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