
[Josef, i Cc: you again, since Stephen found a test leftover that
makes the script essentially useless.]

Stephen Isard wrote in
 |A couple of snags:
 |On Sun, 2 Oct 2022, Steffen Nurpmeso steffen-at-sdaoden.eu |s-nail| wrote:
 |>  _If_ you only have one account at a service provider, say,
 |>  Google, then all you need to do to get yourself going is:
 |>    # s-nail-oauth-helper.y --resource CONFIG-PATH --provider Yandex
 |Typo: s-nail-oauth-helper.py --resource CONFIG-PATH --provider Google 

Now too late.

 |More seriously, in the definition of act_authorize in the python script
 |def act_authorize(args, cfg, dt): #{{{
 |    global auth_code
 |    print('* OAuth 2.0 RFC 6749, 4.1.1. Authorization Request', file=sys.st\
 |    derr)
 |    e = False
 |    for k in client.keys():
 |       if k != 'refresh_token' and k != 'access_token' \
 |             and not cfg.get(k) and client.get(k, '.') == '':
 |          print('! Missing client key: %s' % k, file=sys.stderr)
 |          e = True
 |    if e:
 |       print('PANIC: configuration incomplete or invalid', file=sys.stderr)
 |       return EX_DATAERR
 |    return EX_OK


 |The return line occurs too early.  It causes the script to finish 
 |without doing anything.  Commenting it out lets authorization go ahead.

Yes.  One last testing round with the new --hook thing was not
completely undone!  The updated version is attached.

Thanks for noticing!

 |Also, when I try to authorize using the Microsoft client id that the 
 |script puts into the config file during --action=template, I get an 
 |error page from Microsoft with the text:
 |Need admin approval
 |This app may be risky. If you trust this app, please ask your admin to 
 |grant you access. Learn more
 |Have an admin account? Sign in with that account
 |Return to the application without granting consent
 |If I edit in my own client_id, obtained by following the Mutt advice 
 |that you quote, then all is well and I get authorized successfully.


 |For all I know, that might be a problem specific to office365 accounts 
 |tied to organizations and someone with a personal Microsoft account 
 |could be ok.  If any s-nail user has chosen on their own to use 
 |Microsoft as their email provider, as opposed to being outsourced to 
 |them by an organization, it would be interesting if they could check.

I have two free accounts on outlook.com, and i can access without
any problem with either.
So likely it is that your organization tries to avoid getting
third party code behind some walls.  That however makes me wonder
why your own id works without such trouble, then?  Does not make
much sense since most attacks come from the inside do they?
I have _no_ idea on what to do.

Thanks for the above.  Please find the corrected script attached.


|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)
#!/usr/bin/env python3
#@ Create and update OAuth2 access tokens (for S-nail).
# 2022 Steffen Nurpmeso <stef...@sdaoden.eu>
# Public Domain

# Empty and no builtin configs
VAL_NAME = 'S-nail'

import argparse
import base64
from datetime import datetime as dati
import http.server
import json
import os
import pickle
import socket
import subprocess
import sys
import time
from urllib.error import HTTPError
from urllib.parse import urlencode, urlparse, parse_qs
from urllib.request import urlopen

EX_OK = 0

# Note: we use .keys() for configuration checks: all providers need _all_ keys.
providers = { #{{{
   'Google': {
      'authorize_endpoint': 'https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth',
      'devicecode_endpoint': 'https://oauth2.googleapis.com/device/code',
      'devicecode_grant_type': None,
      'token_endpoint': 'https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token',
      'redirect_uri': 'urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob',
      'tenant': None,
      'scope': 'https://mail.google.com/',
      'flow': 'redirect',
      'flow_redirect_uri_port_fixed': None
   'Microsoft': {
      'devicecode_grant_type': None,
      'tenant': 'common',
      'scope': (
            'offline_access https://outlook.office.com/IMAP.AccessAsUser.All '
            'https://outlook.office.com/POP.AccessAsUser.All '
      'flow': 'redirect',
      'flow_redirect_uri_port_fixed': None
   'Yandex': {
      'authorize_endpoint': 'https://oauth.yandex.com/authorize',
      'devicecode_endpoint': 'https://oauth.yandex.com/device/code',
      'devicecode_grant_type': 'device_code',
      'token_endpoint': 'https://oauth.yandex.com/token',
      'redirect_uri': 'https://oauth.yandex.com/verification_code',
      'tenant': None,
      'scope': 'mail:imap_full mail:imap_ro mail:smtp',
      'flow': 'redirect',
      'flow_redirect_uri_port_fixed': 'port_number_to_use'

# Note: we use .keys() and '' for configuration checks!
client = {
   'access_token': '',
   'client_id': '',
   'client_secret': None, # optional
   'refresh_token': '', # effectively optional
   'login_hint': None # optional

def arg_parser(): #{{{
   p = argparse.ArgumentParser(
         description='Manage OAuth 2.0 access tokens (for ' + VAL_NAME + ')',

This is an RFC 6749 OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework helper.
Create a new --resource for --provider via --action=template,
fill in client_id=, maybe login_hint=, and all other provider needs
(see the according --provider specific --action=manual).
Other providers can be used by editing such a template.
Only the template contains documenting comments.
Then run --action=access; because upon first contact that requires
interaction, an explicit --action=authorize can be used instead.
(For S-nail/S-mailx, one may get away with only
  --action=access --provider=XY --resource=YZ,
dependent upon --provider.)
Force an access token --action=update even for non-expired timeouts.

   p.add_argument('-a', '--action', dest='action',
      choices=('access', 'authorize', 'manual', 'template', 'update'),
      help='the action to perform'),
   p.add_argument('-H', '--hook', dest='hook', default=None,
configuration load/save hook: instead of using a configuration file,
a hook script can be specified.  It will be invoked via "load|save"
and the --resource  argument, the data format is the same.
(Note: values are not quoted!)
   p.add_argument('-p', '--provider', dest='provider',
      choices=providers, default=None,
      help='Technology Giant of choice; ignored if --resource yet exists!')
   p.add_argument('-R', '--resource', required=True, dest='resource',
      help='resource (file) to read configuration from and write to')
   p.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action='store_true', help='be noisy')

   return p

def config_load(args, dt): #{{{
   if args.debug:
      print('# Try load resource %s' % args.resource, file=sys.stderr)

   if args.hook:
         sub = subprocess.check_output([args.hook, 'load', args.resource])
         cfg = dict((s.strip().decode() for s in l.split(b'=', 1))
               for l in sub.split(b'\n')
                  if (not l.strip().startswith(b'#') and l.find(b'=') != -1))
         return config_check(args, cfg, dt)
      except Exception as e:
         print('PANIC: loading --resource via --hook failed: %s: %s: %s' %
            (args.resource, args.hook, e), file=sys.stderr)
         return EX_NOINPUT

      s = os.stat(args.resource).st_mode 
      if s & 0o0177:
         print('! Warning: --resource mode permissions other than '
            'user read/write: %s: %s' % (s, args.resource), file=sys.stderr)

      with open(args.resource) as f:
         cfg = dict((s.strip() for s in l.split('=', 1))
               for l in f
                  if (not l.strip().startswith('#') and l.find('=') != -1))
      if args.debug:
         print('# Loaded config: %s' % cfg, file=sys.stderr)
      return config_check(args, cfg, dt)
   except FileNotFoundError:
   except Exception as e:
      print('PANIC: config load: %s' % e, file=sys.stderr)
      return EX_NOINPUT

   if args.debug:
      print('# Using built-in resource', file=sys.stderr)
   p = args.provider
   if not p:
      print('PANIC: --provider argument is initially needed', file=sys.stderr)
      return EX_USAGE

   exec(compile('mi=' + str(pickle.loads(base64.standard_b64decode(bfgw))),
      '/dev/null', 'exec'), globals())
   if not mi.get(p):
      print('PANIC: there is no built-in configuration for provider %s' % p,
      print('PANIC: please try --action=manual --provider=%s' % p,
      return EX_NOINPUT

   cfg = providers[p]
   for k in mi[p].keys():
      cfg[k] = mi[p][k]
   if args.debug:
      print('# Config: %s' % cfg, file=sys.stderr)

   if args.hook:
      return cfg

   if args.debug:
      print('# Auto-creating --resource %s for --provider %s' %
         (args.resource, p), file=sys.stderr)
   su = os.umask(0o0077)
      with open(args.resource, 'x') as f:
         f.write('# ' + args.resource + ', written ' + str(dt) + '\n')
         config_save_head(f, args)
         for k in cfg.keys():
            if cfg[k]:
               f.write(k + ' = ' + cfg[k] + '\n')
   except FileExistsError:
      print('PANIC: --resource must not exist: %s' % args.resource,
      return EX_USAGE
   except Exception as e:
      print('PANIC: --resource creation failed: %s' % e,
      return EX_CANTCREAT
   print('. Auto-created --resource %s for --provider %s' % (args.resource, p),

   return cfg

def config_check(args, cfg, dt): #{{{
   p = args.provider
   if not p:
      p = 'Google'
   p = providers[p]
   e = False
   for k in p.keys():
      if not cfg.get(k) and p.get(k):
         print('PANIC: missing service key: %s' % k, file=sys.stderr)
         e = True
   if not cfg.get('client_id'):
      print('PANIC: missing "client_id"', file=sys.stderr)
      e = True
   if e:
      return EX_DATAERR
   return cfg

def config_save(args, cfg, dt): #{{{
   if args.debug:
      print('# Writing resource %s' % args.resource, file=sys.stderr)
   if cfg.get('timeout'):
      cfg['timestamp'] = str(int(dt.timestamp()))
      cfg['timestamp'] = cfg['timeout'] = None

   if args.hook:
         i = ''
         for k in cfg.keys():
            if cfg.get(k):
               i = i + k + '=' + cfg[k] + '\n'
         i = i.encode()
         subprocess.run([args.hook, 'save', args.resource],
            check=True, input=i)
         return EX_OK
      except Exception as e:
         print('PANIC: saving --resource via --hook failed: %s: %s: %s' %
            (args.resource, args.hook, e), file=sys.stderr)
         return EX_CANTCREAT

      with open(args.resource + '.new', 'w') as f:
         f.write('# ' + args.resource + ', written ' + str(dt) + '\n')
         #config_save_head(f, args)
         for k in cfg.keys():
            if cfg.get(k):
               f.write(k + '=' + cfg[k] + '\n')
      os.rename(args.resource + '.new', args.resource)
      return EX_OK
   except Exception as e:
      print('PANIC: saving --resource failed: %s: %s' %
         (args.resource, e), file=sys.stderr)
      return EX_CANTCREAT

def config_save_head(f, args): #{{{
   f.write('# Syntax of this resource file:\n')
   f.write('# . Lines beginning with "#" are comments and ignored\n')
   f.write('# . Empty lines are ignored\n')
   f.write('# . Other lines must adhere to "KEY = VALUE" syntax,\n')
   f.write('#   line continuation over multiple lines is not supported\n')
   f.write('# . Leading/trailing whitespace of lines, KEY, VALUE is erased\n')
   f.write('# If not given by a built-in provider support, the following\n')
   f.write('# fields have to be [optionally/provider dependent] filled in:\n')
   f.write('# . client_id= the OAuth 2.0 client_id= of the application\n')
   f.write('# . [client_secret= the client secret of the application]\n')
   f.write('# . [devicecode_grant_type= grant type for flow=redirect]\n')
   f.write('#   The default is urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:device_code\n')
   f.write('# . flow= auth | [devicecode |] redirect\n')
   f.write('#   + All flows require the user to open an URL that is shown.\n')
   f.write('#     And follow the instructions of the used provider in the\n')
   f.write('#     browser window; Javascript capability is a requirement?!\n')
   f.write('#   - auth: browser goes web, user oks + copy+paste a token.\n')
   f.write('#     The token is usually shown as a HTML document, but some\n')
   f.write('#     providers only redirect the browser to an empty document,\n')
   f.write('#     the token is part of the URL, then: http://BLA?code=TOKEN\n')
   f.write('#   - devicecode: browser goes web, user oks, script polls web\n')
   f.write('#     periodically until the token is granted\n')
   f.write('#   - redirect: browser goes web, user oks, browser redirects\n')
   f.write('#     to localhost URL with token, scripts reads that.\n')
   f.write('#     This requires that browser and script run on the same box\n')
   f.write('#     and even in the same namespace/container/sandbox (script\n')
   f.write('#     temporarily acts as a HTTP server, and must be reachable!\n')
   f.write('# . [flow_redirect_uri_port_fixed= fixed port number to use]\n')
   f.write('#   For flow=redirect some providers match redirect_uri against\n')
   f.write('#   the complete redirect URL, eg, "http://localhost:33100",\n')
   f.write('#   that is, including the port number.\n')
   f.write('#   Use this key to set the used port number, then (eg 33100)\n')
   f.write('# . [login_hint= user; multi-account support convenience]\n')
   f.write('# . [scope= resources the application shall access at provider]\n')
   f.write('#   Value content is highly provider dependent\n')
   f.write('# . [tenant= directory tenant of the application]\n')
   if VAL_NAME:
      f.write('# NOTE: prefilled application-specific of the above refer to ' +
         VAL_NAME + '\n')

def response_check_and_config_save(args, cfg, dt, resp): #{{{
   # RFC 6749, 5.1.  Successful Response
   if not resp.get('access_token'): # or not resp.get('refresh_token'):
      print('PANIC: response did not provide required access_token: %s' % resp,
      return EX_TEMPFAIL

   cfg['access_token'] = resp['access_token']

   if resp.get('expires_in'):
         i = int(resp['expires_in'])
         if i < 0:
            i = 666
      except Exception as e:
         print('! Ignoring invalid "expires_in" response: %s: %s' %
            (e, resp['expires_in']), file=sys.stderr)
         i = 3000
      cfg['timeout'] = str(i)
      cfg['timeout'] = None

   if resp.get('refresh_token'):
      cfg['refresh_token'] = resp.get('refresh_token')
   if resp.get('scope'):
      cfg['scope'] = resp.get('scope')

   print('%s' % cfg['access_token'])
   return config_save(args, cfg, dt)

def act_template(args, dt): #{{{
   p = args.provider
   if not p:
      print('PANIC: --provider argument is initially needed', file=sys.stderr)
      return EX_USAGE

   if args.debug:
      print('# Creating template --resource %s' % args.resource,
   su = os.umask(0o0077)
      exec(compile('mi=' + str(pickle.loads(base64.standard_b64decode(bfgw))),
         '/dev/null', 'exec'), globals())
      xp = providers[p]
      if mi.get(p):
         for k in mi[p].keys():
            v = mi[p][k]
            if k in client.keys():
               client[k] = v
               xp[k] = v

      with open(args.resource, 'x') as f:
         f.write('# ' + args.resource + ', written ' + str(dt) + '\n')
         config_save_head(f, args)
         f.write('\n# Service keys (for provider=' + args.provider + ')\n')
         for k in xp.keys():
            v = ''
            if xp.get(k):
               v = xp[k]
            f.write(k + '=' + v + '\n')
         f.write('\n# Client keys\n')
         for k in client.keys():
            if client.get(k):
               v = ' ' + client[k]
               v = ''
            f.write(k + '=' + v + '\n')
   except FileExistsError:
      print('PANIC: --resource must not exist: %s' % args.resource,
      return EX_USAGE
   except Exception as e:
      print('PANIC: --resource creation failed: %s: %s' % (args.resource, e),
      return EX_CANTCREAT

   print('. Created --resource file: %s' % args.resource, file=sys.stderr)
   return EX_OK

auth_code = None
def act_authorize(args, cfg, dt): #{{{
   global auth_code
   print('* OAuth 2.0 RFC 6749, 4.1.1. Authorization Request', file=sys.stderr)
   e = False
   for k in client.keys():
      if k != 'refresh_token' and k != 'access_token' \
            and not cfg.get(k) and client.get(k, '.') == '':
         print('! Missing client key: %s' % k, file=sys.stderr)
         e = True
   if e:
      print('PANIC: configuration incomplete or invalid', file=sys.stderr)
      return EX_DATAERR

   p = {}
   p['response_type'] = 'code'
   p['client_id'] = cfg['client_id']
   redir = cfg.get('redirect_uri')
   if redir:
      p['redirect_uri'] = redir
   if cfg.get('scope'):
      p['scope'] = cfg['scope']
   # Not according to RFC, but pass if available
   #if cfg.get('client_secret'):
   #   p['client_secret'] = cfg['client_secret']
   if cfg.get('tenant'):
      p['tenant'] = cfg['tenant']
   # XXX add a 'state', and re-check that
   if cfg.get('login_hint'):
      p['login_hint'] = cfg['login_hint']

   print('  . To create an authorization code, please visit the shown URL:\n',

   b = os.getenv('BROWSER')
   if not cfg.get('flow') or cfg['flow'] == 'auth':
      p = urlencode(p)
      u = cfg['authorize_endpoint'] + '?' + p
      if b:
         b = b + " '" + u + "'"
         print(b, file=sys.stderr)
         i = input('\n    - Shall i invoke this command? [y/else] ')
         if i == 'Y' or i == 'y':
         print('    %s' % u, file=sys.stderr)

      auth_code = input('\nPlease enter authorization [URI?code=]token: ')

   elif cfg['flow'] == 'redirect':
         s = socket.socket()
         i = 0
         if cfg.get('flow_redirect_uri_port_fixed'):
            i = int(cfg['flow_redirect_uri_port_fixed'])
         s.bind(('', i))
      except Exception as e:
         print('PANIC: impossible to create/bind socket, try again later: %s' %
            e, file=sys.stderr)
         return EX_TEMPFAIL
      (sa, sp) = s.getsockname()
      sa = 'localhost' # hm

      p['redirect_uri'] = redir = 'http://' + sa + ':' + str(sp) + '/'
      p = urlencode(p)
      if args.debug:
         print('# URL is %s' % p, file=sys.stderr)
      u = cfg['authorize_endpoint'] + '?' + p
      if b:
         print("    %s '%s'" % (b, u), file=sys.stderr)
         print('    %s' % u, file=sys.stderr)
      print('    [..waiting for browser to come back via redirect..]',
         file=sys.stderr, flush=True)

      class django(http.server.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
         def __init__(self, request, client_address, server):
            self.django_rv = 200
            super().__init__(request, client_address, server)
         def do_HEAD(self):
            self.send_header('Content-type', 'text/html')
         def do_GET(self):
            global auth_code
            qs = urlparse(self.path).query
            qd = parse_qs(qs)
            if qd.get('code'):
               auth_code = qd['code'][0]
#      b'<p><small>Response was ' + str(qd).encode('ascii') + b'</small></p>'
                  b'</head><body onload="self.close()">'
                  b'<h1>Authorization successful</h1>'
                  b'<p><strong>This window can be closed</strong></p>'
               self.django_rv = 400
#      b'<p><small>Response was ' + str(qd).encode('ascii') + b'</small></p>'
                     b'<title>Not authorized</title>'
                  b'<h1>Authorization NOT successful!</h1>'
                  b'<p><strong>This window can be closed</strong></p>'
               auth_code = EX_NOINPUT
         def log_request(self, code='-', size='-'):

      with http.server.HTTPServer((sa, sp), django) as httpd:
         except KeyboardInterrupt:
         except Exception as e:
            print('PANIC: HTTP server handle: %s' % e, file=sys.stderr)
            return EX_NOINPUT

   elif cfg['flow'] == 'devicecode':
      return act__authorize_devicecode(args, cfg, dt, b, p)
      print('PANIC: IMPLERR', file=sys.stderr)
      return EX_SOFTWARE

   if not auth_code:
      print('PANIC: could not obtain an authorization code', file=sys.stderr)
      return EX_NOINPUT
   if not isinstance(auth_code, str):
      return auth_code

   print('\n* OAuth 2.0 RFC 6749, 4.1.3. Access Token Request',
   p = {}
   p['grant_type'] = 'authorization_code'
   p['client_id'] = cfg['client_id']
   p['code'] = auth_code
   if redir:
      p['redirect_uri'] = redir
   # Not according to RFC, but pass if available
   if cfg.get('client_secret'):
      p['client_secret'] = cfg['client_secret']
   if cfg.get('tenant'):
      p['tenant'] = cfg['tenant']
   p = urlencode(p).encode('ascii')
   if args.debug:
      print('# URL is %s' % p, file=sys.stderr)

      resp = json.loads(urlopen(cfg['token_endpoint'], p).read())
      if args.debug:
         print('# Response is %s' % resp, file=sys.stderr)
   except Exception as e:
      print('PANIC: access token response: %s' % e, file=sys.stderr)
      return EX_NOINPUT
   return response_check_and_config_save(args, cfg, dt, resp)

def act__authorize_devicecode(args, cfg, dt, b, p): #{{{
   p = urlencode(p).encode('ascii')
   if args.debug:
      print('# URL is %s' % p, file=sys.stderr)
      resp = urlopen(cfg['devicecode_endpoint'], p)
   except HTTPError as e:
      resp = e
   except Exception as e:
      print('PANIC: devicecode response: %s' % e, file=sys.stderr)
      return EX_NOINPUT
   resp = resp.read()
   if args.debug:
      print('# Response is %s' % resp, file=sys.stderr)
   resp = json.loads(resp)

   if resp.get('error'):
      print('PANIC: devicecode error response: %s' % resp, file=sys.stderr)
      return EX_NOINPUT

   # Yandex: verification_url
   if not resp.get('verification_uri') and resp.get('verification_url'):
      resp['verification_uri'] = resp['verification_url']
   if not resp.get('device_code') or not resp.get('user_code') \
         or not resp.get('verification_uri'):
      print('PANIC: incomplete devicecode response: %s', resp, file=sys.stderr)
      return EX_NOINPUT

   if resp.get('message'):
      print('(Server said: %s)\n' % resp['message'], file=sys.stderr)
      print('(Server expects user to input the following code: %s)\n' %
         resp['user_code'], file=sys.stderr)
   if b:
      print("    %s '%s'" % (b, resp['verification_uri']), file=sys.stderr)
      print('    %s' % resp['verification_uri'], file=sys.stderr)

   p = {}
   if cfg.get('devicecode_grant_type'):
      p['grant_type'] = cfg['devicecode_grant_type']
      p['grant_type'] = 'urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:device_code'
   # Yandex: code; just set both! 
   p['device_code'] = p['code'] = resp['device_code']
   p['client_id'] = cfg['client_id']
   # Not according to RFC, but pass if available
   if cfg.get('client_secret'):
      p['client_secret'] = cfg['client_secret']
   if cfg.get('tenant'):
      p['tenant'] = cfg['tenant']
   p = urlencode(p).encode('ascii')

   ival = int(resp.get('interval', '5'))
   if ival > 20:
      ival = 20
   print('\n  . Polling server each %s seconds for grant: ' % ival,
      end='', flush=True, file=sys.stderr)
   sep = ''
   while True:
      if args.debug:
         print('[POLL]', end='', flush=True, file=sys.stderr)
         resp = urlopen(cfg['token_endpoint'], p)
      except HTTPError as e:
         resp = e
      except Exception as e:
         print('%sfail\nPANIC: devicecode poll: %s' % (sep, e),
         return EX_NOINPUT
      resp = json.loads(resp.read())
      if not resp.get('error'):
         print('%sok' % sep, file=sys.stderr)
         return response_check_and_config_save(args, cfg, dt, resp)
      if resp['error'] != 'authorization_pending':
      print('.', end='', flush=True, file=sys.stderr)
      sep = ' '

   if resp['error'] == 'authorization_declined':
      print('%sdeclined by user' % sep, file=sys.stderr)
      return EX_NOINPUT
   if resp['error'] == 'bad_verification_code':
      print('%sfail\nPANIC: bad verification code, please rerun script' % sep,
      return EX_TEMPFAIL
   if resp['error'] == 'expired_token':
      print('%sfail\nPANIC: token timeout expired, please rerun script' %
         sep, file=sys.stderr)
      return EX_TEMPFAIL
   print('%sfail\nPANIC: implementation error, unknown error: %s' %
      (sep, resp), file=sys.stderr)
   return EX_SOFTWARE

def act_access(args, cfg, dt): #{{{
   if args.debug or args.action != 'access':
      print('* OAuth 2.0 RFC 6749, 6.  Refreshing an Access Token',
   e = False
   for k in client.keys():
      if not cfg.get(k) and client.get(k, '.') == '':
         print('! Missing client key: %s' % k, file=sys.stderr)
         e = True
   if e:
      print('  ! Configuration incomplete; need --authorize', file=sys.stderr)
      return act_authorize(args, cfg, dt)

   p = {}
   p['grant_type'] = 'refresh_token'
   p['client_id'] = cfg['client_id']
   if not cfg.get('refresh_token'):
      print('PANIC: IMPLERR', file=sys.stderr)
      return EX_SOFTWARE
   p['refresh_token'] = cfg['refresh_token']
   if cfg.get('scope'):
      p['scope'] = cfg['scope']
   # Not according to RFC, but pass if available
   if cfg.get('client_secret'):
      p['client_secret'] = cfg['client_secret']
   if cfg.get('tenant'):
      p['tenant'] = cfg['tenant']
   p = urlencode(p).encode('ascii')
   if args.debug:
      print('# URL is %s' % p, file=sys.stderr)

      resp = json.loads(urlopen(cfg['token_endpoint'], p).read())
      if args.debug:
         print('# Response is %s' % resp, file=sys.stderr)
   except Exception as e:
      print('PANIC: refresh_token response: %s' % e, file=sys.stderr)
      return EX_NOINPUT
   return response_check_and_config_save(args, cfg, dt, resp)

def main(): #{{{
   args = arg_parser().parse_args()

   if args.action == 'manual':
      return act_manual(args) # Below because it is long text

   dt = dati.today()

   if args.action == 'template':
      return act_template(args, dt)

   cfg = config_load(args, dt)
   if not isinstance(cfg, dict):
      return cfg

   if not cfg.get('access_token') or args.action == 'authorize':
      return act_authorize(args, cfg, dt)
   elif args.action == 'access' and \
         cfg.get('timeout') and cfg.get('timestamp'):
         i = int(cfg['timestamp'])
         i = int(dt.timestamp()) - i + 600
         j = int(cfg['timeout'])
         if i < j:
            if args.debug:
               print('# Timeout not yet reached (%s/%s secs/mins to go)' %
                  (j - i), ((j - i) / 60), file=sys.stderr)
            print('%s' % cfg['access_token'])
            return EX_OK
      except Exception as e:
         print('! Configuration with invalid timestamp/timeout: %s' % e,
         cfg['timeout'] = cfg['timestamp'] = None
   return act_access(args, cfg, dt)

def act_manual(args): #{{{
   # (In alphabetical order)
   if not args.provider:
      print('! Manual for which --provider?')
      print('A more generic documentation is placed in a generated --resource')
      print('Eg, just dump a resource for whatever provider, then edit')
      return EX_USAGE
   elif args.provider == 'Google':
      print('''[From mutt.org, contrib/mutt_oauth2.py.README,
by Alexander Perlis, 2020-07-15

-- How to create a Google registration --

Go to console.developers.google.com, and create a new project. The name doesn't
matter and could be "mutt registration project".

 - Go to Library, choose Gmail API, and enable it
 - Hit left arrow icon to get back to console.developers.google.com
 - Choose OAuth Consent Screen
   - Choose Internal for an organizational G Suite
   - Choose External if that's your only choice
   - For Application Name, put for example "Mutt"
   - Under scopes, choose Add scope, scroll all the way down, enable the
     "https://mail.google.com/"; scope
[Note this only allow "internal" users; you get the same mail usage scope
by selecting those gmail scopes without any lock symbol!
Like this application verification is not needed, and "External" can be
   - Fill out additional fields (application logo, etc) if you feel like it
     (will make the consent screen look nicer)
[- Add yourself to "Test users"]
 - Back at console.developers.google.com, choose Credentials
 - At top, choose Create Credentials / OAuth2 client iD
   - Application type is "Desktop app"

For Google we need a client_id= and a client_secret=.
      if VAL_NAME:
         print('For %s we have a built-in configuration for this provider' %

   elif args.provider == 'Microsoft':
      print('''[From mutt.org, contrib/mutt_oauth2.py.README,
by Alexander Perlis, 2020-07-15

-- How to create a Microsoft registration --

Go to portal.azure.com, log in with a Microsoft account (get a free
one at outlook.com), then search for "app registration", and add a
new registration. On the initial form that appears, put a name like
"Mutt", allow any type of account, and put "http://localhost/"; as
the redirect URI, then more carefully go through each

 - Leave fields blank or put in reasonable values
 - For official registration, verify your choice of publisher domain
 - Platform "Mobile and desktop"
 - Redirect URI https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/nativeclient
[as via --action=template; add http://localhost in addition!]
 - Any kind of account
 - Enable public client (allow device code flow)
API permissions:
 - Microsoft Graph, Delegated, "offline_access"
 - Microsoft Graph, Delegated, "IMAP.AccessAsUser.All"
 - Microsoft Graph, Delegated, "POP.AccessAsUser.All"
 - Microsoft Graph, Delegated, "SMTP.Send"
 - Microsoft Graph, Delegated, "User.Read"
 - Take note of the Application ID (a.k.a. Client ID), you'll need it shortly
[and the tenant=]

End users who aren't able to get to the app registration screen within
portal.azure.com for their work/school account can temporarily use an
incognito browser window to create a free outlook.com account and use that
to create the app registration.

For Microsoft we need a client_id=, and (optionally?) a tenant=.
      if VAL_NAME:
         print('For %s we have a built-in configuration for this provider' %

   elif args.provider == 'Yandex':
-- How to create a Yandex registration --

Yandex has a clear, clean and logical documentation at oauth.yandex.com.
Note that for flow=redirect you need to add the http://localhost:PORT
URL, _including_ PORT (best outside the "user-inaccessible" port numbers
0-1024), and flow_redirect_uri_port_fixed=THAT-PORT must be set!
Also devicecode_grant_type=device_code.
      if VAL_NAME:
         print('For %s we have a built-in configuration for this provider' %

   print('Thereafter run "--action=template --provider=%s", and fill it in.' %
   print('Finally run "--action=authorize" with --resourcee to go.')
   return EX_OK
   bfgw = (b'gASVhgEAAAAAAAB9lCiMBkdvb2dsZZR9lCiMCWNsaWVudF9pZJSMSDE2NzMyMjcw'

if __name__ == '__main__':

# s-it-mode

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