s3cmd has thus far always worked on python 2.4 and above.  With the
introduction of v4 signing, which requires python-hashlib and hmac modules,
this is broken for python 2.4 (it works for 2.6 and above).  I've spent
quite a bit of time trying to fix this on 2.4 (on my RHEL5 builder), to no
avail.  I've gotten it somewhat working, but it still is failing in
mysterious ways.

I note that RHEL5 with python 2.4 was released in March 2007, nearly 8
years ago.  There are readily available python26 packages for RHEL5 that,
with the addition of a single google-able python26-dateutil RPM, lets s3cmd
function just fine on RHEL5 by explicitly invoking python26.

For developers who would be willing to fix up 2.4 support, I'm open to
patches, and have a start on the work here:


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