For a number of years I've been using s3cmd, from, to upload to Amazon S3. The other night it failed, I reran the command and it got a bit further. Reran the command and it got a bit further.

s3cmd sync --delete-removed --limit-rate=36k /mnt/southsea/amazon_drive_encrypted/alex/Documents/ s3://mcmurchy1917-MyDocuments

The failure message I get is

Upload of '/mnt/southsea/amazon_drive_encrypted/alex/.thunderbird/pxgvw4yz.default/global-messages-db.sqlite' part 4 failed. Use /usr/bin/s3cmd abortmp s3://mcmurchy1917-thunderbird/pxgvw4yz.default/global-messages-db.sqlite DQ35UbS6CFcwaHk97RuT7oEIYp6U.iA6XLdIzePSQHgMQ76hBhjGMKP_D9YbCPy4lemnYdscfdepGgvA8hi87g--
to abort the upload, or
/usr/bin/s3cmd --upload-id DQ35UbS6CFcwaHk97RuT7oEIYp6U.iA6XLdIzePSQHgMQ76hBhjGMKP_D9YbCPy4lemnYdscfdepGgvA8hi87g-- put ...
to continue the upload.
ERROR: S3 error: 400 (RequestTimeout): Your socket connection to the server was not read from or written to within the timeout period. Idle connections will be closed.

If I retry sometimes the command is successful other times not.

I changed the command _*not*_ to limit the upload rate

s3cmd sync --delete-removed /mnt/southsea/amazon_drive_encrypted/alex/Documents/ s3://mcmurchy1917-MyDocuments

Still causing problems.

I then noticed that the common factor was that the problem seemed to always involve files that were split into multi parts so I changed the command to decrease the multipart-chunk-size-mb to 5MB

s3cmd sync --delete-removed --multipart-chunk-size-mb=5 /mnt/southsea/amazon_drive_encrypted/alex/Documents/ s3://mcmurchy1917-MyDocuments
That seemed to fix the problem.

Can anyone explain what's going on here? Is it my connection that is slow or causing corruption? Has something changed in the last couple of weeks at Amazon?

Thanks in anticipation of an explanation.


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