On 17/11/2018 21:07, Jeff Ross wrote:
In my experience, it's best to split a large file up into whatever chunk size you can upload to S3 in 1 minute to avoid that socket time out error.  From my server on a pretty good pipe, I use --multipart-chunk-size-mb=100.

Thanks Jeff

I've probably been living on the edge for a long time.

Until earlier this year I was using the default settings, It was taking me about 3 minutes to upload a chunk. I then introduced the --limit-rate=36k, to half the upload speed, this change I suspect threw me even closer to the edge as it was taking about 6 minutes to upload a chunk. I introduced this change because there were a couple of occasions earlier this year when the upload did effect people working late and other systems running overnight.

I'm now using --multipart-chunk-size-mb=5 and limit-rate=36K. With my system and network it now takes about 2 minutes to upload a 5Mb chuck, but it's stable which is to me is what counts. If I encounter more problems I can either increase the limit-rate or decrease the chunk size.

I run the upload overnight which generally doesn't impact anyone and completes easily within 8 hours.

Thanks again for your help and advice.


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