I'm also a bit put off by the tone. The way I see it, the non-free  
packages can be very useful, and I don't hesitate to use them when I  
think it will get my job done more easily. For example, I still find  
Microsoft Excel is by far the easiest way to whip together certain  
kinds of graphs, and MAGMA is useful for all kinds of things that  
SAGE can't do (yet). I don't want to be pushing an image of the SAGE  
developers as free software bigots. Our mission is to create useful  
free software, but this doesn't mean we need to demonise non-free  
software. They can go about their business, and we can go about ours.

I'm also not quite sure what is the point of advertising to the  
general public. We should be focusing our marketing at potential  
users and developers, which are mainly people in academic (research  
or teaching) and engineering settings. Publishing the "david and  
goliath" story line, just because that's what will work well in the  
mass media, honestly feels more like an exercise in stroking our own  
egos than anything else.


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