On May 18, 2007, at 10:01 AM, Nick Alexander wrote:

> One way to make notifications less obtrusive is to make them
> omnipresent.  That is, the banner could always read
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> | SAGE Version 2.5.alpha2, Release Date: 2007-05-02
> | Latest version is 2.5.alpha3, type upgrade() to upgrade.
> | Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information.        |
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> While we're at it, maybe the banner should also tell you if you're
> running a vanilla sage or a hacked sage and maybe what the last hg tag
> was.

I like this idea. It would be nice if you could get this information  
from the notebook too--and if (somewhere unobtrusively) it had the  
name of the branch you were working on (assuming it's not main, this  
is something I've actually wanted for a while).

I might also have something like "Latest stable version...", not  
alphas, etc. Perhaps only major releases, (or x.x.1 'cause those  
often catch the last couple bugs if any, but don't introduce new  
ones--it might even be worth having a "bug fix" branch which is the  
latest stable release + bug fixes only if we're thinking of automatic  
upgrade prompts).

- Robert

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