I thought this had been solved some time ago, and was implemented in
pari.  Or is that only for real roots of real polynomials?


On 9/25/07, cwitty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sep 25, 8:02 am, Bill Hart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Well that answered my next question, which is whether this method
> > could be used for Qbar.
> The biggest obstacle to handling Qbar directly is that I haven't found
> a good way of isolating the roots of a complex polynomial (that is,
> finding the roots with a GUARANTEED error bound) and then refining a
> root to arbitrary precision.  (The other annoying part is that SAGE
> does not yet have complex interval arithmetic.)
> And the third obstacle is that at the moment, I only care about real
> numbers; so I'm not very motivated to work on the extension to
> Qbar. :-)  (Although I'd be happy to answer questions, if anybody else
> wanted to work on it!)
> > Carl, what language is your code in. I would be interested in taking a
> > look.
> The part I wrote is just Python (although it makes heavy use of the
> rest of SAGE); it's in .../sage/rings/algebraic_real.py .
> > Bill.
> Carl
> >

John Cremona

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