On Sep 25, 10:10 am, Bill Hart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Actually, someone sent me some very good code for doing complex root
> approximation in FLINT. But I've been too damned lazy to properly
> incorporate it in FLINT. I will get around to it soon.
> Carl if you can give me a specific interface that you'd like, I can
> put some thought into implementing it and it will eventually get
> done.

A lot of it depends on what people would want from an implementation
of Qbar.  Aside from the standard arithmetic operations (+, -, *, /,
nth root), how should elements of Qbar be created?  I assume there
needs to be at least one constructor that takes a polynomial and
indicates one particular complex root of that polynomial.  Do people
need polynomials with Qbar coefficients, or would construction from
polynomials with rational coefficients suffice?  Or maybe the
constructor should take a Qbar polynomial and return a list of all its
roots (as elements of Qbar)?  If you want to construct an element of
Qbar from a polynomial, do you already know that the polynomial is
squarefree, or does the constructor need to check?


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