At least Sympy, Maxima and Mathematica can treat boolean expressions as 
other expressions. Maxima : :

(%i1) display2d:false;

(%o1) false
(%i2) foo: a and b;

(%o2) a and b
(%i3) bar: subst([a=(%pi>3), b=(%pi<4)], foo);

(%o3) %pi > 3 and %pi < 4
(%i4) is(bar);

(%o4) unknown
(%i5) bar, ev;

(%o5) true


>>> a, b, x=symbols("a, b, x")
>>> foo.subs({a:pi>3, b:x<4})
x < 4
>>> from sympy import *
>>> a, b, x=symbols("a, b, x")
>>> foo=And(a, b) ; foo
a & b
>>> foo.subs({a:pi>3, b:x<4})
x < 4
>>> foo.subs({a:pi>3, b:pi<4})

Thanks to Sage’s and and or “lazy” operators and the interpretation on 
anything not zero as True, Sage’s expressions containing logical operators 
gives surprising results :

sage: var("a, b")
(a, b)
sage: foo = a and b ; foo
sage: (x>3) and (x<4)
x > 3
sage: (pi>3) and (x<4)
x < 4
sage: (pi>3) and (pi<4)
pi < 4

bool((pi>3) and (pi<4))

As a consequence, we have no way to translate in sage the boolean 
expressions sometimes returned by Sympy or Maxima (e. g. Piecewise 
functions returned by Sympy for some integrations. It ois easy to slap 
_sage_ methods to Sympy’s logical functions in terms of Python expressions, 
but :

- their interpretation won't be what us expected, and

- these expressions won't translate to Maxima in a useful way :

sage: "print(%s)"%(a and b)
sage: maxima("print(%s)"%(a and b))

Another (better) solution is to wrap, for example, Sympy’s logical 
functions in symbolic function, and define suitanle conversion functions. 
This is easy for Sage<-> sympy translations ; Sage -> maxima translation is 
also manageable.

Where I’m stuck is the Maxima->Sage translation (necessary given the 
importance of Maxima for a lot of our symbolics) : the current interface 
isn’”t useable :

sage: maxima("a and b")
sage: maxima("a and b").sage()
sage: maxima("a and b").sage().parent()
Symbolic Ring
sage: maxima("a and b").sage().variables()
sage: maxima("a and b").sage().operator() is None
sage: maxima("a and b").sage().operands()

or worse :

sage: maxima("subst([a=(%pi>3), b=(%pi<4)], a and b)")
sage: maxima("subst([a=(%pi>3), b=(%pi<4)], a and b)").sage()
SyntaxError                               Traceback (most recent call last)

[ Snip... ]

TypeError: unable to make sense of Maxima expression 'pi>3andpi<4' in Sage

Maxima’s logical operators are not recognized as such and are “pasted” 
along their arguments.

What should be done would be to get them parsed, and translated a Sages 
logical function calls. An alternative would be to create “symbolic logical 
operators” at least for the classes relevant asossible Maxima returns, but, 
as far as I know, this is not possible in Python.

In both cases, this requires recognizing and treating specially Maxima 
logical operators. The code of the current Maxima interfaces stymied me : I 
have been unable to identify the relevant parts. Traceing test expressions 
failed, since the cricial parts probably written in Cython, aren’t 
accessible to pdb.

Any hint or criticism well received.

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