Dear Nils,

Thank you for this hindsight full response. A couple remarks below :

Le jeudi 6 mai 2021 à 08:06:18 UTC+2, Nils Bruin a écrit :

> "and" and "or" in python are not logical operators -- they are flow 
> control for expressions; much like the " ... if ... else ..." expression 
> is. Their behaviour cannot be overloaded. The bitwise operators "&" and "|" 
> would be candidates for overloading.
> Concerning the translation from maxima to sage, the string parser may be 
> difficult that way.  I'm not so sure it can do smart things with infix.

it may do ; it already does for the arithmetic operators :

sage: ME=maxima
sage: c=ME("a^b")
sage: c.parent()
sage: c.sage()
sage: [maxima.part(c,u) for u in (0..len(c))]
["^", a, b]

 So maybe we can use whatever `maxima` does for "^" as a cookie-cutter for 
logical functions ?


> The binary-based interface would be very easy to adapt, though:

> sage: M=maxima_calculus 
> sage: c=M('a and b') 
> sage: c.ecl() 
> <ECL: ((MAND SIMP) $A $B)> 
> Adapting the s-expr based translator would be very straightforward, since 
> (as you can see) the and appears in exactly the same way other functions 
> would. Example:
> sage: c=M('sin(a) + b') 
> sage: c.ecl() 
> <ECL: ((MPLUS SIMP) ((%SIN SIMP) $A) $B)>

Agreed so far.

> The challenge would be that sage calculus never fully completed the 
> transition to the s-expr translation. 

That is a *different* problem. If I understand you correctly, you would 
like to complete the transition to the library interface and essentially 
kill the pexpect one, thus dispensing with updating it for logical 
operators ?

This would leave in the dark all code previously written using  
features of the Maxima interface. Not so nice... 

> It's much more efficient and robust, but the strings-based translation was 
> "good enough" for anyone to bother completing the transition. A few 
> operations (integrals and limits if I'm not mistaken) do use this layer, 
> but other don't (I think simplifications mostly don't). Perhaps this is 
> enough motivation to complete the transition, or at least to the degree 
> needed for boolean expressions?

I agree that such cleanup may be beneficial. But IMHO it won't be neither 
fast nor clean... A distinct task ? 

The relevant conversion functions are
> sage.interfaces.maxima_lib.sr_to_max
> sage.interfaces.maxima_lib.max_to_sr
> They use some dictionaries that would need to be preseeded with 
> appropriate translation values for MAND and MOR. You'd furthermore have to 
> search for occurrences of them in the library to see where they are already 
> used.

Thank you for the information.


> On Wednesday, May 5, 2021 at 2:45:50 PM UTC-7 
> wrote:
>> At least Sympy, Maxima and Mathematica can treat boolean expressions as 
>> other expressions. Maxima : :
>> (%i1) display2d:false;
>> (%o1) false
>> (%i2) foo: a and b;
>> (%o2) a and b
>> (%i3) bar: subst([a=(%pi>3), b=(%pi<4)], foo);
>> (%o3) %pi > 3 and %pi < 4
>> (%i4) is(bar);
>> (%o4) unknown
>> (%i5) bar, ev;
>> (%o5) true
>> Sympy:
>> >>> a, b, x=symbols("a, b, x")
>> >>> foo.subs({a:pi>3, b:x<4})
>> x < 4
>> >>> from sympy import *
>> >>> a, b, x=symbols("a, b, x")
>> >>> foo=And(a, b) ; foo
>> a & b
>> >>> foo.subs({a:pi>3, b:x<4})
>> x < 4
>> >>> foo.subs({a:pi>3, b:pi<4})
>> True
>> Thanks to Sage’s and and or “lazy” operators and the interpretation on 
>> anything not zero as True, Sage’s expressions containing logical 
>> operators gives surprising results :
>> sage: var("a, b")
>> (a, b)
>> sage: foo = a and b ; foo
>> b
>> sage: (x>3) and (x<4)
>> x > 3
>> sage: (pi>3) and (x<4)
>> x < 4
>> sage: (pi>3) and (pi<4)
>> pi < 4
>> bool((pi>3) and (pi<4))
>> True
>> As a consequence, we have no way to translate in sage the boolean 
>> expressions sometimes returned by Sympy or Maxima (e. g. Piecewise 
>> functions returned by Sympy for some integrations. It ois easy to slap 
>> _sage_ methods to Sympy’s logical functions in terms of Python 
>> expressions, but :
>> - their interpretation won't be what us expected, and
>> - these expressions won't translate to Maxima in a useful way :
>> sage: "print(%s)"%(a and b)
>> 'print(b)'
>> sage: maxima("print(%s)"%(a and b))
>> b
>> Another (better) solution is to wrap, for example, Sympy’s logical 
>> functions in symbolic function, and define suitanle conversion functions. 
>> This is easy for Sage<-> sympy translations ; Sage -> maxima translation is 
>> also manageable.
>> Where I’m stuck is the Maxima->Sage translation (necessary given the 
>> importance of Maxima for a lot of our symbolics) : the current interface 
>> isn’”t useable :
>> sage: maxima("a and b")
>> aandb
>> sage: maxima("a and b").sage()
>> aandb
>> sage: maxima("a and b").sage().parent()
>> Symbolic Ring
>> sage: maxima("a and b").sage().variables()
>> (aandb,)
>> sage: maxima("a and b").sage().operator() is None
>> True
>> sage: maxima("a and b").sage().operands()
>> []
>> or worse :
>> sage: maxima("subst([a=(%pi>3), b=(%pi<4)], a and b)")
>> %pi>3and%pi<4
>> sage: maxima("subst([a=(%pi>3), b=(%pi<4)], a and b)").sage()
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> SyntaxError                               Traceback (most recent call last)
>> [ Snip... ]
>> TypeError: unable to make sense of Maxima expression 'pi>3andpi<4' in Sage
>> Maxima’s logical operators are not recognized as such and are “pasted” 
>> along their arguments.
>> What should be done would be to get them parsed, and translated a Sages 
>> logical function calls. An alternative would be to create “symbolic logical 
>> operators” at least for the classes relevant asossible Maxima returns, but, 
>> as far as I know, this is not possible in Python.
>> In both cases, this requires recognizing and treating specially Maxima 
>> logical operators. The code of the current Maxima interfaces stymied me : I 
>> have been unable to identify the relevant parts. Traceing test 
>> expressions failed, since the cricial parts probably written in Cython, 
>> aren’t accessible to pdb.
>> Any hint or criticism well received.
>> ​

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