On Monday, September 27, 2021 at 1:06:58 PM UTC-7 Matthias Koeppe wrote:

> On Monday, September 27, 2021 at 12:46:30 PM UTC-7 Nils Bruin wrote:
>> Presently,
>> $ sage -pip install --user .....
>> fails (at least for me, with a vanilla sage install on FC33) with
>> ERROR: Can not perform a '--user' install. User site-packages are not 
>> visible in this virtualenv.
>> Perhaps it's worth having this?
> This is deliberately disabled (look for PYTHONUSERBASE in 
> src/bin/sage-env) because users tend to have random trash installed in the 
> user scheme. Because these packages would take precedence over 
> Sage-provided packages, this would lead to endless bug reports on the 
> mailing lists.

This is a very good point.

However, as I mentioned in my other email, we explicitly enable it back in 
CoCalc by patching the 
Sage install.  This leads to probably one bug report a month, if that (so 
yes, it's endless, but very easy to
manage), and I'm not sure those are even Sage related, since the same 
problem can happen with any
Python install.  We make bug reports very, very easy for users to create 
(it's 2 clicks), and there is a lot [1] of usage 
of Sage on CoCalc.   The main thing that  makes explicitly enabling this 
pip functionality a good idea for cocalc
is that cocalc projects are clean Docker containers, and people use them 
for specific purposes.  Also support
is stupid easy due to it being a web application.   So the problem you 
mention with random trash goes away
*for us*.

I think the best solution for the official Sage distribution is to provide 
an *option* for systems admins installing
Sage to all or not allow user pip installs.  Probably the default should be 
"no", but there should be a documented
supported way of changing the behavior to "yes".  I don't like having to 
patch sage just because of this, but I do,
and *definitely* will continue to do so, because the reasoning for removing 
this functionality does not apply
to my use case. 


 [1] https://cocalc.com/info/status


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