Some hopefully-useful comments:

Overall, I am not sure why the project is running this server. I think we 
> are spreading ourselves pretty thin here. There is also:
> -
> -
50 questions in last 6 months - thankfully, not as many about the Sage ERP 
software as in the past - so nowhere near the volume of ask.sagemath?  But 
see below.

> -
> -
Also - 50 
questions in the past 18 months. 

Though I haven't had time to contribute to any of these regularly since 
somewhat before the pandemic, my observations are twofold on this:
1) The same people were helping on both the SE sites and ask.sagemath
2) The response time and quality (and number of answers) were all better on 
It's possible this has changed recently, but more likely it is just that 
some of the networking issues have made it less reliable, but haven't 
improved service on the other sites. Contributors to answers have liked 

I do notice that ask.sagemath has for some time only reported "0 years ago" 
for recent questions - I don't think the askbot developer 
( has been super productive lately and of course we 
don't have the ability to support that software as well as Sage itself. 
 That seems to be more of a sticking point, though I think Thierry and 
Samuel will have some relevant comments on that.
As for sage-support, it's always surprising to me how many "customers" 
simply disappear as soon as you mention asking a question there - somehow 
they either want a Q&A site, or to ask on Facebook, or whatever.  I don't 
really know why this happens, but clearly the Q&A sites (in toto) are 

Finally, to anticipate a question that has come up in the past on this 
issue, I had previously inquired with a SE employee about transferring 
data, and it seems it's not really a viable option.  (As a very tangential 
note, one could make a similar observation about Trac versus GH/GL - could 
one take all those very useful discussions and import them?)

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