On Thursday, August 4, 2022 at 2:07:56 PM UTC+9 vdelecroix wrote:

> Let me add a note that I don't like so much the code blocks (ie 
> * the brackets and parenthesis are weirdly bold (maybe because of the 
> fonts on my computer) 
> * numbers appear in bold blue and we basically see only this from far away 
> * I dislike the output part being in italic 
> * The "sage:" prompt has the same color as comments "# this is a 
> comment" which is not nice 
> * The symbols +, *, / have too close color to prompt and commands

The style of code blocks is dictated by the Pygments style in Sphinx. What 
you see is the "tango" style, which seems best from my experiments. 

Here are the choices: https://pygments.org/styles/ You may like other style 
But it would be hard to pick one style agreeable to us all. 

Later we may make our own Pygments style that best suits Sage. 


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