For what it's worth, I think that Jan makes some very salient points, such 

> I'd be happy to assist with self-hosting (so gitlab) and perhaps sponsor 
a container (even a separate machine for CI) but I think the sagemath 
project would probably be better off on git**b. I'm also hesitant to invest 
my time in learning trac/gitolite. The bus problem Dima mentioned with 
self-hosting is valid. But nice to have it as an option for a quick exit 
(from either git**b) when whatever happens to the companies... 

The real problem with GH is if we end up locked in.  As much hassle as Trac 
is (and once again, for what it's worth, let me gratefully acknowledge 
those who are keeping it up and running in whatever state is possible), not 
being able to get stuff OFF GH is the real issue.

For me, the comparison is with learning management systems that many people 
who have higher teaching loads than the typical core Sage developer (!) are 
required to use.  While there are import-export tools from one to another, 
they are nontrivial and do not always bring by any means the full content 
with.  In addition, the internal export (say, to pdf or some other 
transferable medium) can be tiresome in the extreme, when it's even 
possible.  So in some sense we don't have very good control of our own 
content, which is very frustrating when I want to use something from our 
LMS that is wholly inside of it.

The advantage of Trac is having full control of all the data (among others, 
but for the sake of this point), as well as the VERY extensive ticket 
history and seemingly endless discussions (I view those as a strength of 
the community, on the whole).  One really doesn't want to underestimate 
that.  The advantage of GH is nearly completely convenience (and there are 
many conveniences, Aram's point is very well taken).  It sounds like there 
is a pretty reliable GH -> Gitlab mechanism as well, and people willing to 
host a GL instance on (French?) academic computers.

So is a possible solution to migrate Trac, *including the entire history of 
discussions*, to GH, and then have a GL mirror of this?  It was unclear 
from the comments in this thread whether one can actually real-time mirror 
GH in GL, or only export  via discrete actions (and presumably not 
realistically to mirror).  Secondarily, one could imagine an automated 
action that on (say) a point-release basis exports to GL, and that we can 
point people to that.  I'm not sure how contributions from folks who on 
principle do not want to support GH would work, but doubtless we aren't the 
only project to have that problem.

- kcrisman

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