On Sunday, 4 December 2022 at 23:15:35 UTC-8 axio...@yahoo.de wrote:

> I accidentally opened a new ticket https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/34824, 
> which is essentially ready for review.  There is another problem, which I 
> do not understand, which may be dealt with in the same ticket, if it is 
> easy:
> sage: P = ParkingFunctions(4)
> sage: B = P([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])
> sage: B.parent()
> Parking functions of size 4
> sage: B in P
> False
> I think P.__contains__ contains the answer to that one:

sage: len(B) == P.n

I suppose B shouldn't be allowed to have P as a parent anyway? This just 
looks like shoddy programming -- it looks like you should give 
ParkingFunctions a thorough review before trusting what they produce, and 
ideally fix the issues you find for the benefit of people who come after 

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