Help needed again.  I removed the (seemingly) useless overrides, but now 
SetPartition and DecoratedPermutation isn't hashable anymore.  Curiously, 
ParkingFunction is, and I don't see the difference.

On Saturday, 10 December 2022 at 23:45:41 UTC+1 Martin R wrote:

> now removes the parent from the 
> hash, and all the overrides I could find.
> On Friday, 9 December 2022 at 23:03:38 UTC+1 Nils Bruin wrote:
>> On Friday, 9 December 2022 at 02:49:12 UTC-8 wrote:
>>> Would it make sense to have a subclass, or perhaps an option to 
>>> ClonableArray.__init__, that determines whether or not to include the 
>>> parent into the hash?  The current behaviour seems rather error prone to me.
>> I think we've identified that there are definitely cases where having 
>> parent *not* included in the hash for certain versions of ClonableArray is 
>> beneficial. I'm not sure we have a convincing case where having the parent 
>> in the hash IS beneficial. A scenario where this would be the case would be 
>> if somewhere we end up with sets/dictionaries with loads of (non-equal) 
>> instances of ClonableArray such that tuple(...) hashes to the same value. I 
>> think it's unlikely that distinguishing on parent in the hash is ever a 
>> performance-essential feature. So it may be reasonable to change the hash 
>> function for all of them.
>> If there are cases for both then the appropriate way is via overriding 
>> the hash on subclassing, not introducing extra flags on the init method: 
>> hash gets looked up via special method slots, so you should just make sure 
>> that the class has the right function registered. There's a mechanism for 
>> doing so: overriding methods in subclasses. 
>> On the other hand, I am not sure whether GF(3)(4) == ZZ(4) is desirable.
>> It's basically a corollary of being able to write GF(3)(1) + 1 . You'd 
>> end up with a system that is very painful to use interactively if you 
>> wouldn't allow for that (but, yes: coercion through quotient maps is 
>> definitely more problematic than through inclusions).

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