On Tuesday 08 April 2008 03:25:40 pm Mike Hansen wrote:
> Today 03:25:40 pm
> >  I have added a benchmark link with Fermat gcd tests, giac seems 5 to
> >  10 * faster than maxima. I don't have magma, it is most probably
> >
> > another factor of 10 * faster.
> I think that comparison with Magma is a little optimistic, especially
> in the modular case.
> http://www-fourier.ujf-grenoble.fr/~parisse/giac/benchmarks/gcd_timings
> http://magma.maths.usyd.edu.au/users/allan/gcdcomp.html

Now, it's true that we don't want to re-invent the wheel.  However, it seems 
to me that there aren't any opensource packages that manage the range of base 
rings that we'd want sage to handle for multivariate polynomial rings.  
Singular is probably the closest, but ZZ is only experimental.

So, while I may be reinventing the wheel for mpoly factoring over ZZ (although 
it appears somewhat feasible that the wheel will be re-invented better), it 
has already had a number of positive changes in the generic multivariate 
polydict polynomial implementation in sage.  I think the generic-ness of the 
code is something worth pushing forward and seeing how fast we could be with 
a generic base ring.  I (and Martin, too) am interested in this generic 
approach.  Indeed, even the factoring algorithm has a large "prefix" 
(square-free decomposition and the like) which is largely independent of the 

So, my bottom line is this, there might be special purpose implementations for 
specific base-rings, but I don't think that is reason to abandon pushing our 
own implementation because I think our implementation can handle base rings 
that nobody else can.  Of course, it is likely that this generic-ness will 
cost us some speed.  But, it is not obvious to me that that cost is 
necessarily prohibitive.


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