> You seem to be anti-open source in your own work,
> which is what *really* matters to you.  It's my understanding
> that you've written a very interesting library in computer
> algebra and it is closed source.   Correct me if I'm wrong,
> but I have the impression you generally don't see the value
> in *open source* mathematical software (per se), and
> are mainly interested in Sage only for the technically
> interesting successes it has had.

Even though I'd prefer the mentioned library to be open source, I'm not sure 
I'd call the policy anti-open source. Fast arithmetic with multivariate 
polynomials is IMHO for many (not all!) applications mostly useful in the 
context of a computer algebra system which involves Gröbner bases, higher 
level algorithms, heuristics etc. Though I am aware that for some 
applications Roman's library would kick ass in its current form, for some 
others it will not in that form. On the other hand Roman did write a -- as 
far as I've skimmed it -- nice paper on the matter detailing his 
implementation strategy. I lack the experience/knowledge to judge whether the 
presented performance improvements would make a huge difference for the 
computation of e.g. Gröbner bases, but he put information out there for 
others to try.

> > BTW, asking for contributors is the surest way to get zero
> > contributors.
> I'm really glad I didn't listen to you over the last three years.

Hi, I'm slightly puzzled by that reply since it feels rather hostile. If I 
understood the e-mail correctly then Roman implied that at *this particular 
meeting* asking for contributors might be perceived as annoying? Thus he 
shared his opinion to help us to make the Sage presentation more successful. 


name: Martin Albrecht
_pgp: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x8EF0DC99
_www: http://www.informatik.uni-bremen.de/~malb

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