>>  I don't know if that is of any interest but someone around here might care
>>  about the fact that Sage was probably the most mentioned (and cited)
>>  mathematics software at the "First Conference for Symbolic Computation and
>>  Cryptography" (SCC 2008) in Beijing.
>>  Specifically, these authors/papers mentioned Sage:
>>  * Tobias Eibach and Gunnar Völkel: Optimising Gröbner Bases on Bivium (used
>>  Sage to implement attack)
>>  * Burçin Eröcal: SCrypt: Using Symbolic Computation to Bridge the Gap 
>> Between
>>  Algebra and Cryptography (module for Sage)
>>  * Ralf-Philipp Weinmann and Johannes Buchmann: Distributed Memory 
>> Computation
>>  of Row-Reduced Echelon Forms over Finite Fields (benchmarked against Sage)
>>  * Yours truly and Carlos Cid: Algebraic Techniques in Differential
>>  Cryptanalysis (used Sage to implement attack)
>>   (... yes, I know that 3 out of 4 are Sage developers, but still ...)
>>  Another thing:Two talks dealt with Braid group cryptography, namely:
>>  * Robert Gilman, Alex D. Miasnikov, Alexei G. Myasnikov and Alexander 
>> Ushakov:
>>  New Developments in Commutator Key Exchange
>>  * Alex D. Myasnikov and Alexander Ushakov: Cryptanalysis of the
>>  Anshel-Anshel-Goldfeld-Lemieux Key Agreement Protocol
>>  The group developed a C++ library CRAG:
>>  """
>>  The Cryptography And Groups (CRAG) Library provides an environment to test
>>  cryptographic protocols constructed from non-commutative groups, for example
>>  the braid group. The Library is written in C++ and provides an interface and
>>  routines for computations. There are implementations of basic algebraic
>>  objects like words, maps and subgroups. We plan to continually expand the
>>  list of group-theoretic algorithms implemented in the library. In addition
>>  the Library will contain classes and routines implementing non-classical
>>  heuristic approaches and tools to perform statistical and exploratory
>>  analysis of algebraic data. Together with the C++ source code CRAG contains
>>  interface to Python scripting language.
>>  """
>>   http://www.acc.stevens.edu/downloads.php
>>  I don't know much about group theory but still I figured someone might find 
>> it
>>  interesting and is able to evaluate if it could be a good addition to Sage.
>This is very interesting. I just have some general remarks. Alexi Myasnikov
>(a good friend of mine knows him well and that is what he calls him - Alexi, 
>Alex. as on the website) is an extremely talented group theorist. I heard that
>there was some discussion of him getting a Fields medal years ago when
>he announced
>his solution of the Tarski problem. That is his level. If he is behind
>this library
>then I think that it at least has the stamp of authority. BTW, both Alexi and
>Gilbert Baumslag were behind MAGNUS, an infinite group theory package. I had
>a few (off-list, I think) emails with William Stein and Gilbert
>Baumslag, and I met
>with Gilbert face-to-face a month or so ago about MAGNUS and SAGE. The
>problem is that MAGNUS is designed in a way which makes its GUI front-end
>difficult to separate from its group-computational engine at the back-end. As a
>bit of background, Gilbert Baumslag is also a superstar in the field
>of combinatorial
>group theory and has just recently moved from the math dept at CUNY to the CS
>dept. This graphic design was probably Gilbert's idea and very much in
>line with some
>other (computer science) projects he has worked on. Anyway,
>MAGNUS->SAGE just didn't
>work out. I think the design of CRAG is different and may be easier to 
>into SAGE. I do see that they have a free group and finitely presented group
>(C++) class, which is good. These are also in GAP though. What GAP
>does not have is
>"Definition of equations over finitely presented group", nor does it
>have any of the
>crypto stuff.
>So, I vote +1 to include it at least as an optional package. Making it
>a standard part of SAGE
>should IMHO wait until a solid FreeGroup and FinitelyPresentedGroup
>(Python) class
>are created for SAGE. If I had more time I would do this myself.
>Thanks again Martin for pointing this out.

(disclaimer: I'm the person who set up the Magnus sourceforge site
and I worked for Gilbert Baumslag at City College)

I know that there is an existing Python wrapper around Magnus.

I know that Magnus has a large number of C++ routines for group
theory that exist nowhere else.

I know that Magnus can be used without the frontend (we used it
as a password mechanism for logging into linux using groups theory).

I know that Magnus is designed to run procedures in parallel.
(not algorithms since they may not terminate; in general, 
there are very few algorithms for this kind of work)
Using the procedures in parallel enable you to try various
approaches until one succeeds and then poison the others.

I know that Magnus is GPL.

I know that there are a large number of people who have collaborated
with Gilbert Baumslag over the years. Gilbert is definitely in the
superstar category (distinguished prof, 7 books, 150 papers, etc).

Tim Daly

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