>On the other hand: I couldn't find the python bindings, neither in the
>sf tarball nor the sf svn/cvs repo. Any pointers? I couldn't find any
>reference to python in any file:

The python bindings were created using SWIG. I'll see if I have a copy
(I no longer work at CCNY). Gilbert probably has them. I've copied him.

> A couple other things I noticed:

Umm, yeah. The makefiles are, shall we say, "extremely elegant".
I didn't write them. I'd be happy to have any patches you suggest
that might fit your requirements. Be aware that the Makefiles are
self-modifying during build.

>while there is some documentation the format is not in something
>that seems easily extractable.

The documentation is designed to be used by the front-end system.
We won't mention that the code and algorithms need documentation :-)


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