I'm getting the point in the Debianization of Sage that I'm primarily
working on the package for Sage itself (rather than its dependencies).
Below is my current draft description for the Debian Sage package
the stuff that would show up when you run 'apt-cache show sagemath').
Any comments would be appreciated.

(I've noticed that SAGE has been replaced with Sage on the website,
and am
following that change in the package description).

        -Tim Abbott

Package: sagemath
Priority: optional
Section: math
Description: Computer algebra system written in Python
 Sage is a computer algebra system with support for a wide range of
 mathematics, including algebra, calculus, elementary to very advanced
 number theory, cryptography, numerical computation, commutative
 group theory, combinatorics, graph theory, and exact linear algebra.
 Sage integrates several dozen mathematical software packages, making
 possible to combine the best algorithms from several different
 together in a single Sage program.
 Much of the Sage core and the Sage interfaces are implemented in
 helping Sage avoid the usual performance problems associated with
 Sage has a friendly command-line interface based on iPython and a
 web-based notebook interface which can run locally or connect to a
 Sage server over the network.

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