On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 10:12 AM, parisse
> I still do not understand why giac is not even mentionned in the
> symbolic discussion considering the fact that like ginac, it is a C++
> library, but unlike ginac (Ginac Is Not A Cas), giac (Giac Is A Cas)
> has much more advanced calculus functions (either functionnalities
> like limits, integration) and good benchmarks. I thought sage was an
> effort to build a free alternative to maple or mathematica and that
> collaboration between projects having this goal would prevail, not
> competition (how much time lost duplicating the functionnalities
> already available in giac for pynac?).

I can't speak for anyone else (hence I can't really answer your
question) but I have had problems compiling giac for amd64 hardy heron.
I'm fairly impatient though, and maybe if I tried harder I could have
gotten something to compile. I did spend maybe 30 minutes on it
and gave up.

I also tried installing it on an intel macbook but the package refused
to install
on my firewire drive. It's actually the first application I've run
across which has
refused to install on my firewire drive (my tiny HD is full:-). Is it
possible to
fix this?

Can you create a system for which someone using amd64 hardy heron
(a very popular distribution) can compile it from source (at least after a
specific number of dependencies are installed using apt-get). In other words,
can you create the analog of
http://modular.math.washington.edu/sage/doc/inst/node5.html ?
If so, I'd be happy to test it out. Also, is there any documentation in
English? (I mean something more than a 5 page tutorial.)

Sorry if I seem to hijack your thread. Actually, giac seems potentially
interesting but it is difficult for me to say more.

> By the way, I installed in ~parisse on sage the 64 bits binaries
> version of giac (icas) and xcas so that everybody can test benchmarks.
> Unfortunately a few system libraries on sage have bad rights, e.g.
> libstdc++.so.6 is rw instead of rwx, hence one must run
>  export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~parisse
> before running
>  ~parisse/icas
> For example
> g:=(x+y+z+1)^20; h:=(x-y+2z-2)^20; time(r:=normal(g*h));
> time(factor(r));
> >

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