On 29-Aug-08, at 11:47 AM, John Cremona wrote:

> If f is a real polynomial then f.roots(RR) gives the real roots, and
> f.roots(CC) gives the complex (including real) roots.  Is there a
> fool-proof way of getting at the non-real roots?  (You may assume that
> the coefficients of f are exact, perhaps they are rationals, so the
> questions is certainly well-defined.)
> But now I need it again in the context of K.embeddings(L) for  K a
> number field.

With a little work, Carl Witty's marvelous QQbar implementation could  
help.  His code will do the "doubling precision" part for you, and you  
can ask if any particular root is real -- but I found some bugs doing  
this, shown below.

Also, you could probably be certain that roots(QQbar) - roots(AA)  
would work.


sage: t = (ZZ['x'].0^2 - 2).roots(QQbar)[0][0]
sage: t.real()
[-1.4142135623730952 .. -1.4142135623730949]
sage: t.real() == t
AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call  

console> in <module>()

/Users/ncalexan/Devel/Squeak-3.10-1/platforms/unix/bld/element.pyx in  
sage.structure.element.Element.__richcmp__ (sage/structure/element.c: 

/Users/ncalexan/Devel/Squeak-3.10-1/platforms/unix/bld/element.pyx in  
sage.structure.element.Element._richcmp (sage/structure/element.c:4404) 

/Users/ncalexan/Devel/Squeak-3.10-1/platforms/unix/bld/element.pyx in  
sage.structure.element.Element._richcmp_ (sage/structure/element.c: 

/Users/ncalexan/Devel/Squeak-3.10-1/platforms/unix/bld/element.pyx in  
sage.structure.element.Element._richcmp (sage/structure/element.c:4714) 

rings/qqbar.py in __cmp__(self, other)
    2444         """
    2445         if self is other: return 0
-> 2446         rcmp = cmp(self.real(), other.real())
    2447         if rcmp != 0:
    2448             return rcmp

rings/qqbar.py in real(self)
    2681     def real(self):
-> 2682         return AlgebraicReal(self._descr.real(self))
    2684     def imag(self):

rings/qqbar.py in real(self, n)
    1806     def real(self, n):
-> 1807         if self.is_complex():
    1808             return ANUnaryExpr(n, 'real')
    1809         else:

AttributeError: 'ANUnaryExpr' object has no attribute 'is_complex'
sage: t.is_complex()
AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call  

console> in <module>()

AttributeError: 'AlgebraicNumber' object has no attribute 'is_complex'
sage: t
[-1.4142135623730952 .. -1.4142135623730949]
sage: t.real()
[-1.4142135623730952 .. -1.4142135623730949]
sage: t.complex()
AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call  

console> in <module>()

AttributeError: 'AlgebraicNumber' object has no attribute 'complex'
sage: t.imag()
[0.00000000000000000 .. 0.00000000000000000]
sage: t.imag() == 0

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