On Aug 29, 12:28 pm, "John Cremona" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks, Nick and Carl, that is very helpful!
> Now I am not sure whether to use QQbar just to determine which
> embeddings are (and are not) real, and then revert to
> RealField(precision) and ComplexField(Precision);  or whether to try
> to do everything using QQbar.  That sounds worth a try, despite Carl's
> warning about comparing real parts.

Computing in QQ[alpha], where alpha is some algebraic number, should
be at most a (large) constant factor slower in QQbar than in the
corresponding number field; so if this is what you're doing, I'd
definitely give QQbar a try.

The problem is that the sorting involves computation in
QQ[alpha,beta], where alpha and beta are two different roots of the
polynomial; QQbar is not very fast at computing the compositum of
number fields.  (I would be happy for somebody to take a look at it;
I'm using Pari to do the computation, but perhaps there's a faster


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