On Feb 4, 2:36 pm, Rob Beezer <goo...@beezer.cotse.net> wrote:

Hi Rob,

> I still get a lot of education-related email from Mathematica, and it
> has struck me the past few months that they seemed much more "engaged"
> or "concerned" about the welfare of their users.   So I'd been having
> some of the same thoughts about SAGE's influence.  If not cheaper,
> then Mathematica has at least become kinder and gentler, perhaps.  ;-)

Well, I still think that the financial crises also has a large part to
do with this offer and it is also all about maximizing the number of
MMA license you can sell. And there is likely a huge market for the
mathematically inclined that are not working in higher education and
no longer students and having them spend $300 on such a MMA license is
a better return than those people either using pirated copies or not
MMA at all. Either way, if Sage is part of making Wolfram, Inc. kinder
and gentler we will all benefit since the more people use CAS the more
potential users for Sage are out there. And Sage's long term goal is
world domination after all :). So is there any MMA mole around here
who could clue us in? At the main 2008 AMS meeting it become clear
that at least the technical folks at Wolfram were well aware of the
existence of Sage, but probably William should comment on that. IIRC
he also had a blog post about the interaction he had at that AMS
meerting with Wolfram Inc. and MuPAD.

I would also suspect in general that for Matlab, Maple and MMA the
biggest competition just like for MS are the previous releases of
their software since switching to the competition implies a high cost
for moving working code (regardless whether the new program is open or
not) and that is in the end what we need to overcome to get more users
from the commercial competition.

One more note: In the above thread a Japanese user commented that the
current MMA release sets him back a whopping $4,700 when taking into
account the current exchange rate. The professional release MMA in the
US might seem obscenely expensive, but that one takes the cake. Note
that the Solaris version of MMA is still more expensive than that.

> Rob


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