I now realise that there are two separate problems to sort out.

1.  The "mysterious error" message derives from a bug introduced by my
patch at #6861.  It was triggered whenever sage -t was applied to a
full path name other than one within the devel directory.  I've added
an extra patch to #6861 which deals that out, I hope.  It should also
make deletion of the files in .sage/tmp work better --- when all
doctests are passed.

2.  The message "ERROR: File ./test.py is missing" (produced when ./
test.py does exist) is now more of a mystery to me.  It is generated
by line 99 in sage-test:

            print "ERROR: File %s/%s is missing"%(os.curdir,F)

and is triggered by line 97:

    if not os.path.exists(F):

(at which point F should be 'test.py').  This suggests to me that
perhaps os.path.exists isn't working as it should.  It would be
interesting to try

sage: import os
sage: os.path.exists('test.py')

For me (sage-4.1.1 on Mac OS 1.6) this works as it should.


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