Hi Minh!

On Sep 11, 2:27 pm, Minh Nguyen <nguyenmi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The author of the ticket would be the person who reported the issue
> contained in the ticket. This goes in the field "Reported by:".
> I have always thought that the field "Author(s)" is for listing names
> of people who actually wrote the code. In the case of a package, it
> would be the names of people who actually upgraded or updated the
> package. These are admittedly a rough guide; use your judgement as the
> situation arises.

So I misunderstood.

I just checked that in the previous sage release tour the package
authors (David Green and I) are correctly named, and the description
of ticket #6491 clearly names both authors as well, and so does the
documentation. However, just my name was given as author of the
ticket. My understanding is that the release tour and the attribution
in the documentation are what counts in the end.

Now it is ticket #6750. The new bits of code are entirely written by
myself, but of course most of the code for the new package version is
identical with the old version. My judgment would be: It is OK that I
am author of ticket #6750, but David Green must appear as one author
in the release tour.


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