Dear Dave,
> The previous issue observed in Sage with PolyBoRi picking up the wrong
> compiler (Sun's C++ compiler instead of gcc) is resolved. PolyBoRi is
> now using whatever CC and CXX are set too, which is good news.
> But PolyBoRi will not build with Sun's compiler. There seems to be a few
> issues in fact. I'm not sure how much of this is PolyBoRi, or how much
> is due to people patching the code in Sage.
I'll try to find time to have a look at it. But unfortunately, Sun, in
particular the Sun-Compiler, is out of the scope of the projects, I'm
working on. So I cannot promise to fix it in the next days. Meanwhile,
you can have a look, how to teach the Sun-Compiler the missing STL stuff
(see below).

> Part of the issue seems to be that few really understands SCons, so I
> suspect the patches are far from optimal. I've also seen some comments
> to suggest SCons is a good replacment for make, but it is nowhere near
> as good as autoconf/automake for generating a makefile. But that aside,
> to get to the specific issues in Sage:
autoconf/automake is far from being a modern configure/build system. If
one really wants to have something based on Makefiles cmake would be the
system of choice.

> Libtool is a tool which sorts all of this out, picking the right flags
> on every platform. But that is designed to integrate with
> autoconf/automake, not SCons.
scons picks up the right flag, the problem is the the flag was
explicitly by Sage

> "polybori/include/CCuddZDD.h", line 308: Warning (Anachronism): Formal
> argument func of type DdNode*(*)(DdManager*,DdNode*,int) in call to
> polybori::CCuddDDBase<polybori::CCuddZDD>::apply(DdNode*(*)(DdManager*,DdNode*,int),
> int) const is being passed extern "C" DdNode*(*)(DdManager*,DdNode*,int).
These warning seem to be caused, because a C function was called by C++
code. But as there are only warnings, I would postpone that issue. Mor
interesting is the following.

> "polybori/include/CCuddNavigator.h", line 157: Error: iterator_traits is
> not a member of std.
std::iterator_traits is part of the C++ standard. So maybe one hat to
tell the Sun-Compiler to obey C++98 or later?

As far as I can see, the remaining errors are caused by that error.

Best regards,
Dr. rer. nat. Dipl.-Math. Alexander Dreyer

Abteilung "Systemanalyse, Prognose und Regelung"
Fraunhofer Institut für Techno- und Wirtschaftsmathematik (ITWM)
Fraunhofer-Platz 1
67663 Kaiserslautern

Telefon       +49 (0) 631-31600-4318
Fax           +49 (0) 631-31600-1099

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