On 01/21/2010 12:22 PM, William Stein wrote:
> local/lib/python/site-packages/sagenb-0.6-py2.6.egg/sagenb/data/graph_editor/
> It would be *GREAT* if there were a README.txt file in that directory
> that explained what all the js files actually are, something about how
> the graph editor works, where the code that does spring layout
> dynamically is located, etc.   I looked at the code for five minutes
> and couldn't deduce answers to any of those questions.

Just a quick note:  I think the main files are

        a. sage/graphs/graph_editor.py
        b. graph_editor.html
        c. graph_editor.js
        d. processing.editor.min.js

Evaluating graph_editor(G) (see (a)) in an input cell generates
code/markup for an inline frame, which the notebook inserts into the
corresponding output cell.  The iframe loads (b) as its content.  In
turn, (b) draws in jQuery / UI, the layout algorithms in (c), and the
HTML5 canvas rendering engine in (d).

According to


Rado adapted (d) from a project called Processing.js


whose original and minified source files are

        e. processing.js
        f. processing.min.js

To make it somewhat easier to understand the differences between (f) and
(d), I put (d) through a JS "beautifier"


The result is

        g. processing.editor.js

But I decided not to give the same treatment to (e) and attempt to make
a concise diff.

All errors are my own.

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