
If I add a new file into Sage without TestSuite(...).run(), then "sage
-coverage" shows an "ERROR" for this file. Does this mean that a patch
without such a test has no chances to be merged? I really hope this is
not the case yet...

I think that TestSuite is an awesome idea and it did help me to fix
some potential bugs. However when I derive from existing classes that
have no TestSuite testing, it seems that my class is blamed for all
the errors and inconsistencies of these existing classes. Of course,
they also should be fixed, but it may not be very clear how.

In particular, can anyone give me a hint what should I do with the
following (my class has the same error):

P2 = ProjectiveSpace(2, QQ)
e = P2(1,1,1)

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "element.pyx", line 472, in
sage.structure.element.Element._test_category (sage/structure/
  File "/home/novoselt/sage/local/lib/python/unittest.py", line 325,
in failUnless
    if not expr: raise self.failureException, msg

I have also discovered that even this fails (in Sage 4.4):


Thank you!

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