> Is there anyone that would disagree that we need a list of supported
> platforms for Sage? If so, I'd love to hear your explanation why!
> Assuming you agree we need a list of supported platforms, you must agree
> that
> http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/9487
> has at least some useful purpose, and should not be closed as "wont fix".
> My proposal in #9487 is based on a Wiki page I wrote
> http://wiki.sagemath.org/suggested-for-supported-platforms
> Does anyone think that page has any fundamental flaws?
> I'd really like to get this resolved. Currently there's many lists of
> supported platforms - the most out of date/stupid one I can find is in
> this bit of the Sage Developers Guide
> http://www.sagemath.org/doc/developer/inclusion.html
> though others might be able to find even more out of date ideas.
> I think we need one list, and everything else in Sage just has a link to
> that list. Then when updates are made to the list, they have to be made in
> only one place.

I personally usually builds sage for Gentoo Linux x86, there are a number of 
people who do so and on amd64 as well and I regularly build on ppc.
So I would put that in the expected to work category.
You could mention on that page that Mandriva and Gentoo have sage package
available. In the case of Gentoo it is in an experimental repo but we are 
following closely (usually package are updated within 24 hours of a release).
Funtoo, a Gentoo derivative, seems to include us as well.
I don't know about other distro. 


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