> On 08/ 3/10 12:30 PM, François Bissey wrote:
> At the minute I think we need an agreement of the overall plan of how we
> define supported systems. I don't personally think either of the following
> are sensible
> * Saying we support a whole distribution like "Debian".
> * Saying we support the latest release of say Ubunta, when we don't
> necessarily test on the latest release. We should state the version we
> test on.
> http://wiki.sagemath.org/suggested-for-supported-platforms
> I proposed having 4 classes of supported system:
> # Fully supported
> # Expected to work
> # Probably will not work, but porting is ongoing
> # Will not work, and porting will require substantial effort
> Your gentoo would go into the "Expected to work" since we can reasonably
> expect Sage would work, but nobody is checking *every* release builds on
> gentoo *prior* to releasing.

That's where I was suggesting it would go. We certainly try to solve bugs 
Gentoo side or report in trac.

> As a matter of interest, what version do you build on? What versions of
> Gentoo could you expect Sage to work on?

Moot question. This is a rolling distro. Updated in the last month should
be just fine.


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