On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 4:42 PM, Alex Ghitza <aghi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, 4 Aug 2010 13:21:11 -0700 (PDT), cousteau 
> <cousteaulecommand...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I agree with Simon in that developers may be reluctant to modify the
>> preparser unless it's strictly necessary.
>> An argument in favor of changing it would be Sage's mission:
>> "Creating a viable free open source alternative to Magma, Maple,
>> Mathematica and Matlab."
>> If Sage is going to be an alternative to Matlab, it would be a
>> precondition that matrix input were easy. In Matlab it's pretty easy
>> to enter matrices, so changing the preparser would make Sage more
>> usable as an alternative to Matlab.
> If we take this so literally we would end up with either (a) 4 different
> ways of doing anything mirroring the syntax of each of Magma, Maple,
> Mathematica and Matlab or (b) only the intersection of the four systems,
> which I think is pretty tiny.

Since I made up the mission statement of Sage, there is one thing I
like to clarify about it.  The goal is *not* to make Sage a (mostly)
language-compatible drop-in replacement for all four systems, in the
sense that Octave (sort of) tries to be a mostly drop-in replacement
for Matlab.   Thus it is very much not the mission of Sage to parse
all four languages: Magma, Maple, Mathematica, and Matlab.
Similarly, Sage does not have to have its own domain specific
languages that are as easy to use as each of the Ma's in all cases.

-- William

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