Hi Jason,

On Wed, Dec 8, 2010 at 10:26 AM, Jason Grout
<jason-s...@creativetrax.com> wrote:
> I think maybe I was too brief in my suggestion to be clear.  I would favor
> refactoring the code out to a spanning_tree.py(x) file.  My point was that
> your propositions seemed to indicate that the graph class methods that would
> call spanning_tree.min_spanning_tree would also do some additional error
> checking, maybe have a different interface, etc. My suggestion was to not
> have any additional code; put all of that error checking, etc., into the
> spanning_tree.min_spanning_tree function.  In other words, the graph class
> would simply import the functions into the class namespace:
> class Graph:
>    from spanning_tree import min_spanning_tree
> That way we get a standalone function in spanning_tree.min_spanning_tree,
> and we also get a convenient method for all graphs, and they are exactly the
> same function, have the same interface, etc.  There is no duplication of
> code or of doctests.
> Of course, this import should probably be moved up to the generic graph
> class, like you suggest, if the function can handle digraphs too.

The above seems very reasonable to me. Documentation for spanning
trees would be advertised on the top-level page for graph theory,
while we refactor spanning tree code into the proposed module
spanning_tree.py(x) and import min_spanning_tree() somewhere in
generic_graph.py. This means that one could still discover
min_spanning_tree() via tab completion (using a graph object) and also
have the code for min_spanning_tree() centralized somewhere.

Minh Van Nguyen

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