On 8 led, 12:12, mmarco <mma...@unizar.es> wrote:
> Hi
> One of the skills that is studied in high-school and college is to
> compute the domain of a real function of real variable given by a
> formula.
> I haven't seen that implented in sage, so i plan to do so.

Hi, I wish you success, but I think that this is very hard task.

Consider a function f(x) such that Sage canot solve equation f(x)==0
and now find the domain of the functions like ln(f(x)) or 1/f(x).

For numerical way how to at least estimate domain of a function in one
or two  variables see [1] and [2]


[1] http://wood.mendelu.cz/math/maw-html/index.php?lang=en&form=df
[2] http://wood.mendelu.cz/math/maw-html/index.php?lang=en&form=df3d

> In ordxer to do that, i would need some way to represent real
> intervals (maybe with enpoints given by exact expressions, such as
> exp(3), sqrt(7) or pi), and to compute intersections and unions of
> them.
> So, my question is ¿is something like that available?. If it is not, i
> could try to implement it too, ¿would it be best to do it as a new
> class RealSubset or something like that?
> Thanks in advance.
> Miguel Marco

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