On Feb 5, 8:30 am, Volker Braun <vbraun.n...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I think thats all premature optimization. First we need a bulletproof way
> of running Sage in the VM.

I agree - "premature optimization, the root of all evil". In fact the
VM itself is just one module of the interface and it is definitely far
better developed than other parts. However seeing how many people here
build VM's at all I thought it would be nice to give some interested
feedback to mmarco.

About those other parts: Really, the Interface from the windows side
has a lot of potential. All this stuff typical windows users expect
when installing new software like desktop icons, menu entries,
installer, on screen help / documentation Pop-ups... boring stuff like
that. The base could and should be the current VM for now (or
eventually your last beta with X).

I tried to adress some of those issues with the combined Sage/
Virtualbox Windows installer Amongst those were: Autoinstallation and
autoimport of the VM to Virtualbox, autogeneration of startscripts and
entries in the windows Program Folder, Communication with Vbox over
the VBoxManage command.  Maybe with more testing it could be even
possible to stabilize the network connection from windows and VM to a
point where it is acceptable and the overhead of running X in the VM
wouldn't be necessary. My personal preference would be to hide the
whole Virtualbox interface from the normal user completely (headless
mode)  but have an expert, debug, or development mode available which
could bring up the Virtual Box Window.

> shave off another megabyte or two"
That remark is a bit terse and misleading. I had Sage VM's built below
400 MB with most of the necessary specs fulfilled (yes, even Java for
3d- and R-plotting). But that can only be achieved if the architecture
& design of the base system is adapted from the beginning - seeing it
just as "shaving off" will lead you to the conclusion that it is not
worth the effort because then you just can achieve the 1 or 2 MB you

Personally I will not have time to do more "work" on this until -
maybe- October, but I will "lurk" around a bit and follow whats going

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