> disagrees with the current behavior of
> `sage -upgrade`, which tries to merge any committed changes into the
> new version you're upgrading to. That doesn't make sense IMO but there
> you are.

Do avoid another misunderstanding:
Of course I don't  suggest that sage -upgrade should have a different
behaviour. It will work with the compressed filesystem.
On the other hand, doing lots of upgrades leads the concept of the
layered filesystem ad absurdum, because then you have the old version
in the squashfile, and great parts of the new version uncompressed on
the disk.

I was specifically referring about the proposed possibility to
exchange the whole squashfs with a new version.  It is asking for
trouble to pull out the old base.
It is not guaranteed that the overlay of changes will work correctly
with the new version.  If one does lots of upgrades or have changes in
the original sage directory tree, then a normal filesystem is better.
On the other hand, if one "just uses" sage, and does just "clean"
updates between major versions, then I see no problem in using and
exchanging sage as a whole in a new compressed file.

Now I don't know if "sage -upgrade" is mostly painless, or if there
are caveats or problems hiding around the corner which might hit
unexpecting and innocent windows users. So replacing sage as a whole
(either the complete VM or just the sage inside the VM) might be the
easier and save option for real users.

And another clarification: I think at the moment the existing Fedora
VM should be used as reference, which has an uncompressed filesystem.
The actual implementation of the VM is a - still rather important -

> .. _py2exe:http://py2exe.org/
> .. _PySide:http://pyside.org/

Yes I was thinking on rather shipping binaries instead of the whole
python bundle.
I saw that PySide uses the Qt toolkit which is rather heavy, but I
think whoever decides to work on this should choose the toolchain he/
she likes.

> Maybe you just
> meant that it is a built-in scripting language in Windows, which is
> true, but as you said, there's no problem in shipping binaries for
> Windows.

You can explain better what I mean than myself. That's quite
embarrassing, but well ...

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