Le Sun, 5 Feb 2012 20:03:48 -0800,
Jonathan Bober <jwbo...@gmail.com> a écrit :
> The source code does say:
>    In extensive but non-exhaustive
>    random tests, this function proved accurate to within <= 10 ulps
> across the
>    entire float domain.  Note that accuracy may depend on the quality
> of the system math functions, the pow function in particular.
> So if the accuracy of pow() in eglicb relies on long doubles, then
> there may be a problem, but maybe it will work well there.

Within 10 ulp? Look at the comment at the start of [1],
where they explain how they compute things, then explain the accuracy:
 * Accuracy: Gamma(x) is accurate to within
 *      x > 0:  error provably < 0.9ulp.
 *      Maximum observed in 1,000,000 trials was .87ulp.
 *      x < 0:
 *      Maximum observed error < 4ulp in 1,000,000 trials.

This looks pretty good!

Snark on #sagemath


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