> > I'd be willing to mentor, for example, a notebook project, since that's what
> > I'll be working on most of the summer.  I'll already have several students
> > hopefully working with me on the notebook, or graphics (webgl, here we come
> > :), etc.
> Excellent.  I am also willing to mentor a project on the notebook.
> Or something on implementing mathematical algorithms.

Looking at Sympy's GSOC 2011 stuff, there is a lot of nontrivial math
in it - so perhaps GSOC is getting more interested in funding more
mathematical stuff (which was bandied about as a possible reason for
previous denials).

In fact, Sympy is looking like it's getting pretty impressive.

I hesitate to say I would be a good mentor, but there are a lot of
things in symbolics and graphics that would be appropriate for this
that I'd like to try with some of my students.  Especially piecewise
functions and such.  Continuing nontrivial Geogebra integration could
be another very appropriate one.

- kcrisman

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